Glossary of terms Flashcards
Abstract of Title
A history of the title to a piece of land which lists all the conveyances, transfers, liabilities, covenants against or burden upon the land and other facts pertinent to such title that would be of interest to a prospective purchaser.
A voluntary declaration or statement of facts, written or printed and sworn to by the person making it before an officer authorized to administer oaths
An overdue and unpaid debt of liability
To transfer property or an interest in the property
A party or person receiving relinquished rights to a property
A party or person who relinquishes rights to a property
The act of transferring property or an interest in a property. The instrument by which such property or such interest is transferred.
The condition of being bankrupt, that is, being one who has been declared insolvent and whose property is subject to seizure and distribution among his creditors under a federal statute commonly referred to as the bankruptcy law.
Cloud on Title
An outstanding claim or encumbrance upon property that impairs clear title.
An official document, signed, usually sealed, and delivered, that contains some contract, bargain or transfer. The term usually refers to the instrument by which land, or an interest in land, is conveyed from one party to another.
The person or party against whom a legal action is brought
The total of all unpaid taxes and municipal charges, including interest, due on a given parcel of property covering any number of quarters or years.
A person duly authorized to act for, or in place of, another person
Fee Simple
Absolute ownership of property, meaning that the owner has unconditional power to dispose of the property during his lifetime and to pass such absolute ownership to whomever he wishes upon his death.
Fiscal Year
The twelve month budget cycle of a municipality
Any one of several methods used to enforce payment of a debt secured by a property, by taking ownership of the property through a court procedure.
Foreclosure Ledger
Official municipal record of properties to which the municipality has taken title by the foreclosure process.
A party or person receiving relinquished rights to a property
A party or person who relinquishes rights to a property
In Personam
A latin phrase meaning “against the person”, used to describe an act or proceeding against or in reference to a specific person or party
In Rem
a Latin phrase meaning “against the thing”, used to describe an act or proceeding against or in reference to a specific thing (rather than against its owner)
- A share in the ownership of property2. The price paid for borrowing money, usually a percentage of the amount lent.3. The amount charged as a penalty for delinquent taxes and/or other municipal charges.
The final determination (adjudication) by a court of the rights and claims of the parties to an action.
- To impose or collect; to exact, as a tax or fine2. An amount imposed or collected