globilisation & a shrinking world Flashcards
The movement of humans from one place to another, with the intentions of settling, permanently or temporarily at a new location. The movement is often over long distances and from one country to another, but internal migration is also possible; indeed, this is the dominant form globally. People may migrate as individuals, in family units or in large groups due to push and pull factors.
people who have spread or been dispersed from their homeland and have created a community together elsewhere. eg Peckham, london has nigerian dispora and is known as “little lagos”. allows for a high no. of imported nigerian goods which increases diversity of culture in london.
time-spcace convergence
process made possible by technological innovations in transportaion and communication, by which distant places are bought closer together in terms of time taken to travel (or send messages) between them.
the process of the worlds local and regionaal economies, societies, and cultures have become intergrated together through a global network of communication, transportation and trade.
with refference to industry it is also tyhe shift to a globalised economic system dominated by supranational corporate trade and banking institutions
economic globalisation
the growth and spread of trans national corporation, the rise of NICs, the rise of global economic instituations like IMF and world bank
cultural globalisation
initially western culture such as art, media, sport and leisure pursuits on the rest of the world.
now, multidirectional process as aspects of culture move over the globe through the internet and migration
eg hollywood is rivalled by bollywood
political globalisation
institutions like the united nations, regional trading blocs and particulary the influence of western democracies and their influence on poor countries have resulted in this.
what happens in one place increaslingly has impacts on other places.
eg a natural disaster or conflict impacts negatively on a host country for migrants, then the value of remittances sent to their home countries may be reduced. this adversly affects people in the source countires who have become dependant on financial flows from their family overseas
economic interdependance
globalisation caused rise in international migration.
currently 230 mill living in a country they werent born in.
some economic sectors in the UK depend on eastern european labour and therefore eastern europe relies on migrant remittances from the UK.
after UK votes to leave the EU the value of the pound fell.
money sent home by migrant workers fell in value by over 10 per cent
political interdependance
economic interdependance leads to political interdependance
in the 1990s thomas friendman (US political journalist) stated that two countries with mcdonalds will never go to war because of their interconnected economies, this is called “golden arches” (not a correct theory)
environmental interdependance
all states are environmental interdependent to some extent due to their shared use of “global commons” in order for mutal survival
social interdependance
social ties with countries are strengthened through migration
can be seen through % of population using internet, mirgation routes, flight patterns, shipping routes.
forced migration
those that have been extradited of deported
or refugees
voluntary miragtion
an individual finds more/ btter prospects elsewhere
internal migration
within the same country
external migration
movement out of a country into another
environmental migration
a threat to livlihood eg crops fail or natural disasters that create both push and pull factors
threats caused by governments eg war
Borderless world
a concept of globalization where the goods, services, technology, information, capital flow through the borders from one nation to other.