What is Roman Abramovich’s net worth in 2015
$8.3 billion
137th richest in the world
12th richest in Russia
What is Len Blavatnik’s net worth in 2015
£17.1 billion
What is Alexander Knaster’s net worth in 2015
$2.2 billion
What are the advantages to the host country of high wage migration
Additional revenue
20% all properties valued above £5 million bought by Russians
Russian money will helps London economy
Many Russians spend money on charity
Bring culture and traditions
For every £10 million flat bought, owner spends £4.5 million/year
What are the disadvantages to the host country of high wage migration
Others not as wealthy pushed out
Not everyone believes the money earnt by Russians is honest
Many judged for showing off wealth
How many Russians live in London
What are the advantages to the source country of high wage migration
Many start careers in Russia but move to London
What are the disadvantages to the source country of high wage migration
Sanctions and economic recessions in Moscow
End of Soviet Union 1990
Dangerous. - people have to have walls in front of houses to protect themselves
May didn’t have money to begin with
What is the definition of Tier 1 migrant
Contributing £1 million in a UK institution earns 75 points required for a Visa
What are some push factors for low wage migration from Poland to England
Polish unemployment was 18.2% in 2005
40% unemployment in some rural Polish areas
Polands annual GDP per head in 2006 was around $12700
What are some pull factors for low wage migration from Poland to England
Desired to experience life abroad and learn/improve English
UK skills shortages in tourism, construction and farming
The average number of job vacancies in the UK for the three months leading up to January 2007 was 607,900
How much more have migrants paid in taxes than they have in benefits from 2001 to 2011
Contributing £25 billion to the economy
What is the leakage effect
Money made in a country from a migrant will be sent back to their families in their source country
What is the average child births from a foreign-born woman compared to a UK-born woman
2.28 compared to 1.89
What impact does an increased brith rate as a result of international migration have upon the NHS
Birth rate of some migrant groups could use additional commands on midwifery, maternity and health, visiting services
How many extra primary school places are needed within the next three years due to soaring immigration and a high birth rate
How many rubbish bags are collected in Mumbai daily
1 million
What is the recycling rate in Mumbai compared to the Uk
80% compared to 20%
Social detriment to women and children who search amongst the rubbish
What is an informal economy
No assurance of a job and no regular pay eg. Street sellers, shoe shiners, luggage carriers
Untaxed income, and no job regulations
How many people dont have access to water worldwide
1 billion
How many people worldwide dont have access to sanitation
2 billion
How many people are there in Dharavi slum per toilet
500 people
How many cases of Diphtheria and Typhoid are there daily in Dharavi slum, Mumbai
4000 daily
What is the 7 year plan
A plan to rehouse residents of Dharavi into high rise blocks which are serviced with running water and sanitation
How long is the water turned on for in Dharavi each day
2 hours per day
What is the population of Dharavi Slum
16 million
What is the population density of Dharavi slum in Mumbai
1 million people per square mile
What is the site and service plan in Mumbai
Equipping slim dwellers with material to improve their own houses
What are some push factors for rural to urban migration
Green revolution has reduced farm work, as more machinery is used, reduction in farm jobs
Young people see farming as hard work with long hours and low pay - few prospects of a better life
Too little area to farm to create a living or to survive eg. maharastra
Education and health standards have dropped dramatically
What are some pull factors for rural to urban migration
Better job prospects (especially for TNCs)
Improved water supplies and public services
More likely to have piped water, electricity and sewage disposal
Good schools, hospitals and dentists
Many will already know people who have left for the city