what is globalisation?
the ever increasing interconnectedness between countries
what is an MNC and TNC?
multinational corporations
transnational corporations
flows in globalisation:
people (tourism, migrants)
four types of globalisation:
what is a trade bloc?
a group of countries with an agreement to trade without as many barriers to the movement of goods. a type of intergovernmental agreement, usually goes along with other treaties about the free movement of people
what is the Schengen Agreement?
allows people who are from countries that have signed the agreement to move across most EU borders without being subject to border checks
what is social globalisation?
the increasing number of international migrants, increasing quality of educations and healthcare, rise of social media
what were jet aircrafts used for before carrying passengers?
military purposes
what is time space compression?
allows the relative distances between places to feel far smaller
what is the key idea in containerisation?
by making sure all containers are the same size, ships and ports around the world can be fitted to deal with all types of goods in the containers. makes global shipping far quicker and cheaper
what is an example of pre-1800s globalisation?
the British Empire and East India Company
what has accelerated globalisation?
rapid development of ICT and mobile communication (mobile phones, internet, social networking, electronic banking, fibre optics)
how many of the top 10 most valuable TNC brands in 2018 were technology companies?
what are special economic zones?
areas that national governments can set up to help attract FDI into a region
what is foreign direct investment?
when companies from abroad come and invest in industry within a country
what is China’s open door policy?
opened up the country to investment from abroad leading to significant economic growth
what is the limit on the number or quantity of good and services that can be exported called?
a quota
what are free trade blocs?
can increase interconnectedness between countries by removing tariffs and quotas for trade in goods and services eg. EU and NAFTA
what is a tariff?
taxes on goods that are imported and exported
what does China encourage to locate there and how?
TNCs by offering low labour costs and taxes
examples of free trade blocs:
examples of china’s economic initiatives:
encourages TNCs by offering high low taxes and low labour costs
allows 34 foreign films a year in cinemas
joined WTO in 2011
how might a government attract start up businesses?
offering subsidies
offering lower tax rates
installing high quality infrastructure
what is it called where state-owner businesses or infrastructure are sold to private TNCs?
by 2017 the New Development Bank had given loans of how much to member countries?
$1.5 billion dollars
what are the Bretton Woods institutions?
International Monetary Fund (IMF)
World Bank
World Trade Organisation (WTO)
which of the following countries has been a particular focus for Chinese investment in infrastructure projects?
BRIC countries:
indicators in the AT Kearney index
economic integration
technological connectivity
personal contact
political engagement
why is the AT Kearney Index considered more holistic than the KOF index?
it looks at the number of web-servers rather than just internet communications for example
what are ways to measure globalisation?
KOF index
AT Kearney index
human flows of migrants
indicators of globalisation:
flows of migrants
trade flows of FDI
membership of trade blocs and IGOs
2 terms to describe TNCs worker relocation:
how does McDonalds reflect globalisation?
McVeggie and McSpicy Paneer in India
what does outsourcing mean?
when a TNC gives a contract to another company to complete part of their work eg. outsourcing customer service call centres to parts of the world w lower labour costs eg. BT in India
how do TNCs help globalisation spread?
global production networks or global supply chains
what does glocalisation mean?
TNCs adapt their products to the needs of local consumers
why do the landlocked countries of the Sahel region struggle to export goods?
no ports
reasons why places are switched off from globalisation:
economic: eg. being excluded from trade blocs
social: eg. a country or region with a poorly educated population putting off a TNC from setting up production there
physical: eg. a country being landlocked w. no access to a port
environmental: eg. a country lacking energy resources to trade
political: eg. a dictator choosing to excuse he country from the global economy
why is North Korea switched off from globalisation?
communist dictatorship
no access to internet
social media sites not permitted
cheap goods not imported