Global Systems And Governance Flashcards
What is globalisation?
The growing interdependence of countries worldwide through the increasing volume and variety of cross-border transactions in goods and services and of international capital flows and through the widespread diffusion of technology (IMF)
What is the globalisation index?
-The A.T. Kearney index is one measure of globalisation
-It tracks changes in the 4 key measures of global integration- trade and investment flows, movement of people across borders, volumes of international telephone traffic and internet usage, and participation in international organisations.
What is glocalisation?
A term that was invented to emphasize that globalisation of a product is more likely to succeed when the product or service is adapted specifically to each locality or culture it is marketed in. The increasing presence of McDonalds restaurants worldwide is an example of globalisation, but adapting the menu items to suit each culture is and example of glocalisation.
What is outsourcing?
The concept of taking internal company functions and paying an outside firm to handle them. Outsourcing is done to save money, improve quality or free company resources for other activities.
What is time-space convergence?
-The reduction in the time taken to travel between two places due to improvements in transport ion and communication technology.
What is economic globalisation?
-Characterised as long distance flows of goods, capital and services as well as information and perceptions that accompany market exchanges.
What is political globalisation?
Characterised by a diffusion of government policies
What is social globalisation?
Expressed as the spread of ideas, information, images and people
What is the KOF index of globalisation?
-Covers the economic, social and political dimensions of globalisation
-KOF defines globalisation as “the process of creating networks of connections amount actors at multi-continental distances, mediated through a variety of flows including people, information and ideas, capital and goods. Globalisation is conceptualised as a process that erodes national boundaries, integrates national economies, culture, technologies and governance and produces complex relations of multilateral interdependence.”
According to the KOF index of globalisation, what are the 4 flows involved in globalisation?
-Information and ideas
How did the KOF index of globalisation define globalisation?
-Globalisation is conceptualised as a process that erodes national boundaries, integrates national economies, cultures, technology and governance and produces complex relationships of mutual interdependence.
What factors have accelerated the pace of globalisation?
-Barriers to international trade and investment are coming down (trade agreements)
-Technological processes have cut transport and communication costs
Consequences of Mexican migration to the USA
-For the USA, the migrants are a source of cheap labor and fill many of the jobs that US citizens do not want, especially unskilled low-paid jobs.
-However, there are cultural tensions in areas that have large numbers of migrants, especially in areas where unemployment of US citizens is above average.
-For Mexico, the migrants are a major source of remittances.
-However there is a ‘brain drain’ of the younger, more skilled, more educated workforce and this has a negative effect on the Mexican workforce.
What is a trading bloc?
An arrangement among a group of nations to allow free trade between member countries but to impose tariffs on other countries that may wish to trade with them.
-Examples: EU- European Union, Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN), the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
The UN Framework Convention on Climate Change
-Kyoto Protocol was signed in 1997; first major attempt to implement UNFCCC treaty.
-HICs required to cut carbon emissions by 20% in 2012 compared to 1990 level
-LICs not obliged- at the same time emissions soared in China and other rapidly industrialising nations
-USA refused to sign, although AUS and Canada signed they refused to implement it
Paris Agreement 2015- UN climate change conference
-Limit global warming to 2 degree vs pre industrial levels
-seeks zero net anthropogenic carbon levels from 2050-100
-174 countries signed it
The ‘group of 7’ is an intergovernmental organisation made up of the world’s 7 largest advanced IMF economies - Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, UK and US
The G20 Group is an international forum for the governments of 20 major economies, includes the G7 members and the EU as a single member, also includes China. Was established in 1999 to give a voice to the major developing countries.
Why are NGOs often more successful in reducing inequalities than global political organisations?
-They provide a constant stream of funding
-Responsive to community needs
-Works on a national as well as local scale
-Funds are direct