Global Inequality Flashcards
Global Inequality
the unequal distribution of resources, opportunities, and power that shape well-being among the 8 billion individuals on our planet
GINI Coefficient
measurement of income inequality between countries – 1= complete inequality
Global Stratification
unequal distribution of resources in core nations
Global Classifications
First World, Third World, etc, High Income, Low Income, etc
World Systems Approach (Wallerstein)
Core Nations: highly industrialized, high profit consumption goods
Peripheral Nations: low industrialized, cheap labor, raw materials
Semi-Peripheral Nations
Modernization Theory
low income countries can improve their standing through industrialization of infrastructure and a shift in cultural attitudes towards work
Capital Fight
the rapid flow of assets or money out of a country due to an event of economic consequence or a political event such as regime change or economic globalization
decline of industrial activity in a region or country, often accompanied by the relocation of manufacturing jobs to locations with lower labor costs
Human Development Index
a summary measure of a country’s average achievements in three basic aspects of human development: health, knowledge, and standard of living
the aspirations of many individuals include the acquisition of goods and services beyond those necessary
Global Poverty
condition of deprivation characterized by a lack of access to essential resources and basic necessities required for a healthy and dignified life
Relative Poverty
defines poverty as a shortage of resources compared to the prevailing standards of a time and place
Absolute Poverty
a state where an individual or household lacks the means to meet their basic needs
Subjective Poverty
the individual’s perception of their own economic situation, often defined as a feeling of financial difficulty or scarcity
Modern Day Slavery
exploitation where one person controls another for profit by exploiting a vulnerability, often through force, fraud, or coercion