Global Final Flashcards
Who studies the world in which humans live?
Social scientists
Social scientists encompass various disciplines including history, geography, economics, and anthropology.
What do historians study?
Written records of past events
Historians analyze documents and artifacts to understand historical contexts.
What do geographers examine?
Earth’s surface and its impact on humans
Geographers study topography, climate, human migrations, and adaptations.
What are the two types of maps geographers often examine?
- Political Maps
- Physical Maps
Political maps show borders and cities, while physical maps depict land features.
What do economists study?
How societies use available resources
Economists focus on production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services.
What three questions do economists often ask about civilizations?
- What goods and services are produced?
- How are goods and services produced?
- How are goods and services distributed?
These questions help understand economic systems and resource allocation.
What do anthropologists study?
Past and present human cultures
This includes the analysis of social structures, customs, and artifacts.
What is a primary source?
A firsthand record of a historical event created by an eyewitness
Examples include diaries, photographs, and artifacts.
What is a secondary source?
A secondhand record of a historical event created by someone who did NOT experience it
Examples include textbooks and encyclopedias.
What type of anthropologist examines the culture of past human societies?
Archaeologists analyze physical remains to gain insights into historical cultures.
What is the Neolithic Age also called?
The Neolithic Age is also called the ‘New Stone Age.’
What key development marked the Neolithic Age?
Humans first discovered how to perform agriculture and domesticate animals for food and drink.
What lifestyle change occurred during the Neolithic Age?
Humans switched from being nomads to being settled farmers who lived in permanent villages.
What did farming create during the Neolithic Age?
Farming created a steady food supply, known as a food surplus.
What did the permanent villages of the Neolithic Age eventually turn into?
The permanent villages eventually turned into civilizations.
Why is the development of farming during the Neolithic Age significant?
It is often called the ‘Neolithic Revolution’ due to its importance for humans.
What defines a civilization?
A civilization is a complex and highly organized society that includes a government, social classes, job specialization, a food surplus, writing, and religious beliefs.
When did civilizations develop?
Civilizations developed soon after humans discovered farming and settled down in permanent villages during the Neolithic Age.
Where did the first civilizations develop?
The first civilizations developed around 3000 B.C. in river valleys.
Why did civilizations develop in river valleys?
River valleys had favorable geography, including fertile soil from flooding, irrigation opportunities, and transportation.
Name some early river valley civilizations.
Early river valley civilizations developed around the Nile, Tigris, Euphrates, Indus, Yellow, and Yangtze Rivers.
What are the characteristics of Ancient Egypt?
Location: Northeastern Africa; Major River: Nile River; Developed hieroglyphics and constructed pyramids.
What are the characteristics of Mesopotamia (Sumer)?
Location: Middle East; Major Rivers: Tigris and Euphrates; Developed cuneiform and the Code of Hammurabi.
What achievements are associated with the Indus River Valley Civilization?
The urban areas of Harappan civilization were organized and well-planned.
How did monsoons affect early societies in India?
Seasonal monsoons brought necessary rain for farming, but too much rain caused dangerous flooding.
What are the major rivers in ancient China?
The major rivers are the Yellow (Huang He) River and the Yangtze River.
Why were early Chinese societies isolated?
Early Chinese societies were isolated due to natural boundaries like mountains and deserts.
What common features did many ancient societies share?
They existed in river valley regions, were polytheistic, and had traditional economic systems.
What does polytheistic mean in the context of ancient societies?
Polytheistic means that people believed in many gods associated with nature.
What is barter?
Barter is trade without using money.
What is subsistence agriculture?
Subsistence agriculture is farming in which the crops are used only to feed the farmer and his family.
What is a common occupational trait in ancient societies?
People often had the same occupation as their parents, usually related to farming/agriculture.
What are classical civilizations?
Classical civilizations are societies that were more advanced and more recent than ancient civilizations.
What is a Golden Age?
A Golden Age is a period of great achievements in art, literature, math, and science.
What geographical feature influenced the development of Greece?
Greece has a very mountainous geography, leading to many independent city-states.
What are the two most famous city-states of Greece?
The two most famous city-states are Athens and Sparta.
What type of society was Sparta?
Sparta was a military society where men spent almost all of their lives training for warfare.
What is Athens known for?
Athens is known for having the first democracy in the world.
What is a direct democracy?
A direct democracy is a form of government in which all citizens can vote on laws.
Who were some famous philosophers from Athens?
Famous philosophers from Athens include Socrates, Aristotle, and Plato.
What was the religious belief of ancient Greece?
The people of ancient Greece were polytheistic, believing in many nature gods.
What were the Olympic Games held for?
The Olympic Games were held every 4 years in Greece to honor their god, Zeus.
Who was Alexander the Great?
Alexander the Great was a famous leader who conquered Greece, Egypt, Persia, and part of India.
What is Hellenistic culture?
Hellenistic culture is the mixture of Greek, Egyptian, Persian, and Indian culture spread by Alexander the Great.
Where was Rome located?
Rome was located on the peninsula of Italy.
How did Rome expand its empire?
Rome began as a small city-state and expanded by conquering regions surrounding the Mediterranean Sea.
What were the Twelve Tables of Rome?
The Twelve Tables of Rome were a written set of laws that stated the rules of behavior for Roman society.
What does Pax Romana mean?
Pax Romana means ‘Roman Peace’ and refers to a 200-year Golden Age of Rome.
What dynasties ruled India during the classical period?
India was ruled by the Maurya Dynasty and the Gupta Dynasty.
Who was Asoka?
Asoka was a famous ruler of India known for his kind treatment of people and animals and for writing laws on rock pillars.
What is considered the Golden Age of India?
The Gupta Dynasty is considered the Golden Age of India due to many achievements in various fields.
What was the caste system in India?
The caste system was a social hierarchy where people were born into a social class and remained in that class for life.
What are the four main castes in India?
The four main castes are Brahmins (priests), Kshatriyas (warriors), Vaisyas (merchants and artisans), and Sudras (laborers).
What was the Qin Dynasty known for?
The Qin Dynasty was known for its short duration and for basing its government on the philosophy of Legalism.
What was the Han Dynasty’s key feature?
The Han Dynasty is known for its trade and transportation networks that contributed to its wealth.
What was the Silk Road?
The Silk Road was a long trade route that connected China to the Mediterranean Sea.
What is cultural diffusion?
Cultural diffusion is the exchange of goods and ideas between societies.
What do monotheistic religions believe?
Monotheistic religions believe in only one God.
What are the three main monotheistic religions?
The three main monotheistic religions are Judaism, Islam, and Christianity.
What do all three monotheistic religions have in common regarding codes of conduct?
All three monotheistic religions have codes of behavior issued by God that state the religious and moral/ethical obligations of followers.
What is the code of behavior for Jews and Christians?
The Ten Commandments serve as the code of behavior for Jews and Christians.
Examples include: Do not kill, do not steal, do not worship false gods, etc.
What is the code of behavior for Muslims?
The Five Pillars serve as the code of behavior for Muslims.
Examples include: Make a pilgrimage to Mecca, pray five times daily, etc.
What is reincarnation in Hinduism?
Reincarnation is the idea that after humans die, their souls are reborn into another body.
What is karma in Hinduism?
Karma refers to all of the good and bad deeds that one does during their lifetime.
What is the goal of Hindus regarding reincarnation?
The goal of Hindus is to achieve Moksha, which is ending reincarnation and stopping the cycle of death and rebirth.
Who founded Buddhism?
Buddhism was founded by Siddhartha Gautama, also called the Buddha.
How is Buddhism similar to Hinduism?
Buddhism is similar to Hinduism in that both religions believe in reincarnation and karma.
What is the goal of Buddhists?
The goal of Buddhists is to achieve Nirvana, which is ending reincarnation and stopping the cycle of death and rebirth.
What must people accept to achieve Nirvana in Buddhism?
People must accept the Four Noble Truths to achieve Nirvana.
What is the Eightfold Path in Buddhism?
The Eightfold Path is a code of behavior for Buddhists that requires them to resist evil, act in a kind manner, meditate, etc.
What is Legalism?
Legalism is a philosophy based on the idea that humans are evil and that harsh punishments are needed to prevent crime and keep order in society.
What are the main teachings of Confucianism?
The main teachings of Confucianism include the Five Relationships and Filial Piety.
What are the Five Relationships in Confucianism?
The Five Relationships emphasize that every person has specific roles and obligations to maintain order and stability in society.
What is Filial Piety in Confucianism?
Filial Piety is the idea that people must honor and respect the elders of their family.
What is the main belief of Islam?
Islam is a monotheistic religion that believes in one God (called Allah).
What are followers of Islam called?
Followers of Islam are called Muslims.
What is the Holy Book of Islam?
The Koran (Qu’ran) is the Holy Book of Islam.
What are the Five Pillars of Islam?
The Five Pillars are religious and moral/ethical duties required of all Muslims, such as making a pilgrimage to Mecca and praying five times daily.
Who is Muhammad in Islam?
Muhammad, who lived from 570-632 AD, is the founder of Islam and is believed by Muslims to be the last of God’s prophets.
What significant events occurred shortly after Muhammad’s death?
Shortly after Muhammad’s death, Muslim armies conquered vast areas of land including much of the Middle East, northern Africa, and southern Spain.
What characterized the Golden Age of Islam (c. 700-1200 AD)?
The Golden Age of Islam was marked by amazing achievements in math, science, medicine, philosophy, and art.
What are some key achievements of the Golden Age of Islam?
Key achievements include the creation of medical encyclopedias, improvements in math (especially algebra), and artwork including calligraphy and textiles.
What was the Golden Age of China?
The Golden Age of China took place during the Tang and Song Dynasties (600s-1200s), characterized by tremendous achievements in arts, science, math, and literature.
What were some key inventions during the Tang and Song Dynasties?
Key inventions include gunpowder, the compass, and block printing.
What type of trade did the Chinese conduct during the Tang and Song Dynasties?
The Chinese conducted long-distance trade using the Silk Road and by sea from their coastal port city of Canton.
What cultural change occurred in China during the Tang and Song Dynasties?
Buddhism became popular in China during this period due to trade using the Silk Road.
How did the Chinese select government officials during the Tang and Song Dynasties?
The Chinese continued to use civil service exams to select highly qualified people to work in their government.
What are the major geographic features of Africa?
Africa includes deserts (like the Sahara Desert), savanna (grasslands), and rainforests.
What is desertification?
Desertification is the spreading of desert lands, which reduces available farmland.
What is the traditional religion native to Africa?
Animism is the traditional religion that believes all living and non-living things in nature have a spirit.
What were the Bantu Migrations?
The Bantu Migrations (500 BC-1500 AD) were one of the largest migrations in history due to a shortage of land.
What did the Bantu people spread during their migrations?
The Bantu people spread the Bantu language, iron technology, and agricultural techniques.
What are the three greatest civilizations that developed in West Africa?
The three civilizations are Ghana, Mali, and Songhai.
Who was Mansa Musa?
Mansa Musa was the most famous ruler of Mali, known for spreading Islam and turning Timbuktu into a center of trade and learning.
Why did Ghana, Mali, and Songhai grow wealthy?
They grew wealthy due to their location along the Trans-Saharan trade routes and participation in the Gold-Salt trade.
Where did the Mongol people originate?
The Mongol people originated on the steppes of Central Asia.
What was the largest empire in history?
The Mongol Empire, established under Genghis Khan, was the largest empire in history.
Who was Marco Polo?
Marco Polo was an Italian merchant who traveled to the Mongols in China and wrote extensively about his experiences.
What was the impact of Marco Polo’s writings?
His writings are valuable primary sources that increased European interest in trading with China.
How did Mongol rule affect trade between Europe and Asia?
Trade and travel increased tremendously during Mongol rule due to peace along trade routes.
What influence did the Mongols have on Russia?
The Mongols kept Russia isolated from Western Europe and taught them about centralized government.
What are the main pre-Columbian civilizations?
The main pre-Columbian civilizations are the Maya, the Aztec, and the Inca.
What achievements are attributed to the Maya?
The Maya developed a calendar, a form of writing, and invented the use of zero in math.
Who were the three notable travelers mentioned?
The travelers are Marco Polo, Ibn Battuta, and Zheng He.
What did the writings of the three travelers provide?
Their writings are valuable primary sources that teach us about the lands they visited and stimulated trade.
Alexander the Great
Alexander the Great, born in 356 BCE, was the son of King Philip II of Macedonia. He became king in 336 BCE and quickly expanded his empire by defeating the Persian Empire in battles like Granicus, Issus, and Gaugamela. He founded cities, including Alexandria, and spread Greek culture across his empire. Alexander’s conquests reached as far as India. He died in 323 BCE at the age of 32, leaving a lasting legacy of cultural integration and military success.
Geographic Context
Step 1) Identify Location
Step 2) Identify Geographic Features
Step 11 and 2 —> help/hurt by….
Step 3) IMpact
This civilization was located in/near ___________________. Some of the features in/near this area are __________________________. The location impacted this civilization by helping/hurting ______________
_____________________________________________________________. The geographic features impacted this civilization by helping/hurting
Historical Cicumferences
Step 1) Identify the idea/event/person discussed in the document
Step 2) Explain what happened before this led to this idea/event/person (outside info)
The idea shown in document # is ___________________. This was caused by ____________________________________________________.
_____________________________________________________________. What led to the development of _____________________ was ________
- Does this author/creator use opinion words to persuade you to believe their argument?
- Is this document from a HISTORIAN or a TEXTBOOK that is trying to inform you about a topic?
- Is this document using HUMOR or SATIRE to be entertaining and draw attention to an issue?
Identity the purpose by asking yourself the questions above:
The purpose of this document is to [CHOOSE ONE]
persuade that __________________________________________________.
inform about ___________________________________________________.
entertain by____________________________________________________.
- Who wrote or created this document?
- Who are they writing or creating this for?
- What words or images do they use to appeal to those people?
This document was written/created by __________________________. They were writing/made this for ________________________________.
In order to appeal to these people, they said/drew ________________, because _____________________________________________________
Point of View
dentify the author’s point of view by asking yourself these questions:
- WHO WROTE or CREATED this document?
- What TOPIC are they talking/ writing about?
- How do they FEEL about this topic? HOW do you KNOW?
The author is talking about ___________________________________.
They feel that __________ is ___________________________________
Because they say ___________________________________________.
Turning Point
Step 1: Identify the MAIN IDEA of document 1
Step 2: Identify the MAIN IDEA of document 2
Step 3: TURNING POINT (outside info)
Example: A turning point associated with these documents is _________________.
This was a turning point because in document 1 it shows ____________ _______________________________________________________________.
And it document 2 it shows____________________________________
Cause and effect
dentify the MAIN IDEA of
document 1
——-> this led to
Identify the MAIN IDEA of
document 2
Example: Document # shows that _________________________________________.
This led to _____________________________________________________.
As a result, ____________________ happened, as shown in document #.