Glaciation Flashcards
What is striations ?
Scratches in the rock from other rocks rubbing against it
What is roches moutones ?
A small rock with one side smooth and gently sloping, and on the other side steep and rough
What is a misfit stream ?
A stream that didn’t make its valley its shape
What is a U-shaped valley
A Valley shaped by a glacier
What is a hanging valley ?
A Valley that is cut across by deeper Valley
What is the ribbon lake ?
A long and narrow lake in a rock basin caused by a glacier
What is a V shaped Valley
A Valley caused by a river
What is scree ?
A mass of small loose rocks that form or cover a slope on a Mountain
What is a truncated spur ?
A spur that descends towards a valley floor
What is a corrie?
A steep sided hollow, formed by glacial erosion
What is an arête ?
A sharp mountain Ridge
What is a pyramidal peak ?
And angular three pointed arête
What is freeze thaw ?
A rock that when water fills its cracks and expand, and this process is repeated it weakens he rock and causes parts of the rock to crack off
What is erosion ?
Wearing away a rock by wind, water or rock
What is abrasion ?
The process of scraping and eroding a material, it may cause striations or polish rock surface
What is plucking ?
When rock becomes frozen to the base of the glacier and when the glacier moves it is ripped off