Girdles Flashcards
Why is the pectoral girdle an incomplete ring?
Because the scapulae are not connected with each other posteriorly
Importance of The curvatures of the clavicle
Gives it its shape and resilience
Ligaments present acromial end of inferior surface of clavicle and their positions and attachments
1)Coracoclavicular ligament:
*medial conoid ligament to conoid tubercle
*lateral trapezoid ligament to trapezoid line
Markings of inferior clavicle
1)Conoid tubercle
2)Trapezoid line
3)Subclavian groove
4)Impression for the costoclavicular ligament
Pints about scapula
Triangular flat bone
2-7 ribs (meaning T2-T7)
Convex posterior concave anterior
Spine of scapula divides …..
Deltoid tubercle
Glenoid cavity
Coracoid process anterolaterally
Suprascapular notch
Points bout humerus
Surgical and anatomical necks
Anatomical neck indicated by groove of head of humerus. Surgical neck is more distal
Greater and lesser tubercles indicating junction of head and anatomical neck
Greater at lateral margin, lesser anterior
Bicipital groove for finding of long head of biceps
Deltoid tuberosity
Radial groove posterior for radial nerve also for profundity brachial artery
All 9 distal features check (Coronoid fossa, etc)
What makes up condyle of humerus
Radial fossae superior to capitulum
Why is supination and pronation possible in forearm?
Because the radius can pivot about the ulna
Points about ulna
Stabilizing bone
Articulates with humerus (olecranon and Coronoid) and radius (radial notch) prox
Tuberosity of ulna for tendon of brachialis
Supinator crest inferior to radial notch laterally
Supinator fossa
Head distally
Styloid process
What attaches to Supinator crest and fossa of lateral proximal humerus?
Deep part of Supinator muscle
tuberosity ulna for attachment of what?
Tendon of Brachialis muscle
Points about radius
Lateral, shorter
Head, neck and medial tuberosity proximal
Radial tuberosity divides neck from shaft
Ulnar notch distally
Larger Styloid process of radius
Dorsal tubercle of radius
Oblique fibers about
They run obliquely from radius to ulna and transmit forces received by radius via hand to ulna
Carpal bones and their shapes and tubercles if any
(scaphoid, trapezium,hook of hamate)
You’re supposed to know abeg
Articulations of distal row of carpals with mc
Trapezium-1st and 2nd mc
Trapezoid-2nd mc
Capitate-3rd mc
Hamate-4th and 5th mc
Distinguishing feature of 3rd metacarpal
Styloid process
Where can the radial styloid process be palpated?
Anatomical snuff box
Why is a more ulnar deviation of the wrist more possible than radial?
The radial styloid process extends more distally and therefore limits movement