GI Tumors, Liver (+ some mammary) Flashcards
Name three PNS seen with GI smooth muscle tumors.
hypoglycemia, nephrogenic DI, erythrocytosis
What is the met rate for hepatic leiomyosarcomas?
What IHC markers differentiate leiomyosarcomas from GISTs?
Leiomyo: actin+, desmin+ (neg for c-kit, CD34, S-100)
GIST: cKIT+, CD34+ (variable reactivity to actin, desmin, S-100)
What is the MST for GI leiomyosarcomas/GIST in patients that survive surgery?
37.4 months
Aside from c-kit, what marker may be more sensitive/specific for canine GIST than c-kit? (Dailey 2015)
DOG1 (identified in 2 tumors that were c-kit negative, at minimum authors recommend combining with c-kit)
What parasite is known to cause esophageal sarcomas?
Spirocerca lupi
Which is not associated with Spirocerca lupi-induced sarcomas?
- neutrophilia
- hypertrophic osteopathy
- thoracic spondylitis
- microcytic hypochromic anemia
- hypoglycemia
What is the most common canine gastric tumor?
What % of GISTs form in the stomach?
What is the MST for dogs undergoing pylorectomy and gastroduodenestomy?
33 days
Pancreatic nodules larger than what size are suggestive of neoplasia in cats?
> 2cm
What PNS is associated with pancreatic carcinoma in cats?
ventral glistening alopecia
What compound can experimentally induce pancreatic duct adenocarcinoma?
What is the MST for salivary gland carcinomas treated with sx +/- RT for dogs and cats?
550 days for dogs
516 days for cats
What are the top 3 intestinal tumors in cats and dogs?
Dogs: LSA, ACA, Leio/GIST
What does the term carcinoid mean?
Tumors that arise from the diffuse endocrine system (enterochromaffin cells) rather than intestinal epithelium.
Which IHC markers differentiate leiomyosarcomas from GISTs?
Leio: actin, desmin
What is the MST for dogs with colorectal ACA treated with surgery?
2-4 years
survived 15 months with stool softeners alone
What is the MST for cats with colonic ACA treated with surgery and DOX? (Withrow)
280d (9 months) vs. 56 days without
What is the MST for dogs with intestinal ACA treated with surgery?
114 days, 7-10 months
What is the MST for dogs with GI leiomyosarcoma or GIST treated with surgery?
1.1 - 2 years, 38 months
if they survive the preoperative period
Diffuse cytoplasmic KIT staining detected in what % of GIST? (Takanosu 2016)
70% (and 30% stippled cytoplasmic staining)
also mutations in exon 11 of c-kit ID’s in 74% with RT-PCR
Why can hypoglycemia occur with leiomyosarcoma?
Production of IGF
Where are GISTs more likely to occur? Where are leiomyosarcomas more likely to occur? (Withrow p.414)
GIST - large intestine (specifically cecum)
Leio - stomach and small intestine
(note that in Hayes 2013, 67% of GISTs occurred in small intestine)
What is the metastatic rate and common locations for feline intestinal adenocarcinoma?
50% will spread to local LN; 30% to peritoneal cavity; 20% to lungs
What exon is c-kit mutation on for canine GIST?
exon 11
What gene is frequently mutated in human colorectal carcinoma and also noted to be mutated in dogs? (Youmans 2012)
APC (adenomatous polyposis coli)
What is the median DFI/MST for cats with colonic adenocarcinoma treated with subtotal colectomy and adjuvant carbo? (Arteaga 2012)
DFI 251d (8 months); MST 269d (9 months)
What was the complication rate for rectal pull-through surgery in dogs with rectal masses? MST? (Nucci 2014)
78.4% incontinence - permanent in 54.8%
MST was 1150d for all dogs and 726d for malignant rectal tumors
(conclude high complication rate but good outcome)
What cytokine may be important in pathogenesis of inflammatory colorectal polyps in mini-dachshunds? (Ohta 2013)
There are several papers looking at markers for this disease that I didn’t include
What cells do GISTs originate from?
interstitial cells of Cajal
What % of GI leiomyosarcomas were reclassified as GIST? (Russell 2007 and Maas 2007)
What features were associated with worse survival for GIST treated with Palladia (both microscopic and macroscopic? (Berger 2018)
High MI (did not give cut-off!) and metastasis at diagnosis Could by type 1 error (false +)
What apoptotic marker was significantly higher in cats with GI LSA vs. IBD? (Swanson 2012)
but note that positive expression in both groups was pretty high
Do cats with GI LSA have gremlin mutation in MMR? (Aberdein 2012)
evaluated due to MMR defect in HNPCC
Can cytology be used to diagnoses GI disease in dogs? (Maeda 2017)
Maybe, there was 81.4% agreement in this study looking at chronic enteritis vs. intestinal LSA in dogs.
(for enteritis vs. LSA - Sn was 98.6% but Sp only 73.5%)
When PARR was used for canine intestinal LSA, what % were accurately diagnosed? (Ohmura 2017)
correctly identified 22/29 cases; 85% were T cell
What % of cats with gastric LSA experienced remission? What was duration of first remission? (Gustafson 2014)
75% remission
median remission 108d (3.6 months)
Is serum gastrin a reliable prognostic indicator for canine gastric carcinoma? (Seim-Wikse 2014)
it is in humans
What cytologic features (on squash prep) are specific for malignancy in gastric ACA? (Riondato 2014)
signet rings and microvacuolation