GI t Flashcards
what is the first stage of HIV?
Acute HIV infection - lasts 2-4 weeks, flu-like symptoms
What is the 2nd stage of HIV?
Chronic HIV infection - Latency, multiplies slowly, lasts for years. This is when treatment occurs to prolong as much as possible
Describe stage 3 HIV?
CD4 count drops to less than 200 and AIDS develops
Causes of Peptic ulcers?
H.pylori, NSAID’s, stress
How are peptic ulcers created?
H.pylori produces enzymes and toxins which interfere with the mucosal protection against injury from gastric acid
Complications of Peptic ulcers?
Hemorrage due to errosion onto a blood vessel. perforation (erosion through all layers) leading to peritonitis, Obstruction (due to edema, spasm or contraction of scar tissue near pyloric sphincter)
Whats the difference between benign and malignant tumours?
Benign doesn’t grow in an unlimited aggressive manner, invade sorrounding tissues or spread to non-adjacent tissues
What is thrombocytopenia?
Decrease in number of circulating platelets
3 types of leukocytes?
Lymphocytes, granulocytes, monocytes
What are tophi?
Large hard nodules containing uric acid crystals
What is gout?
Uric acid in the joints
What is osteomalacia?
Softening of the bones due to defective bone mineralisation caused by vitamin D defficiency
what is Osteoporosis?
Bone disease which leads to increased risk of fracture
what is the difference between Non-hodgkins lymphoma and Lymphoma?
The main difference between Hodgkin’s and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma is in the specific lymphocyte each involves
Stage 1 of bone healing
Hematoma: Immediately after the fracture, extensive bleeding occurs. A large blood clot, or fracture hematoma, develops.
Stage 2 of Bone healing
Fibro cartiloginous callus formation: An internal callus forms as a network of spongy bone unites the inner edges, and an external callus of cartilage and bone stabilized the outer edges.
Stage 3 of bone healing
Ossification: The cartilage of the external callus has been replaced by bone, and struts of spongy bone now unite the broken ends. Fragments of dead bone have been removed and replaced.
Stage 4 of bone healing
Remodelling: osteoclasts remove excess bony tissue restoring new bone structure to original form