GI Flashcards
What view is best for a double contrast evaluation of the duodenum?
Left posterior oblique
What is the barium suispension for an upper GI?
250% W/V
In double contrast upper GI compression views of the duodenum are best in what view?
What is the dose threshold (rad) for radiation duodenitis?
5000 rad
What are the risk factors for cholangiocarcinoma?
PSC, recurrent pyogenic cholangitis, clonorchis senesis, HIV, HEP b/c, EtOH, thorotrast
Where is the A ring?
Above the vestibule
Where is the B ring
Below the vestibule at the EG junction.
What is defined as narrowing of the b-ring?
What is the Z line
Squamocolumnar junction between esophageal and gastric epithelium.
Where is the location of zenker divertic?
posterior hypopharnyx
Where is the location of kilian-jamieson tic?
lateral in the cervical esphagus (inf to cricopharyngeus)
Where is the cricopharyngeus?
High esopheageal stricture and hiatal hernia is assoicated with that?
“Ringed Esophagus”?
Eosinophilic esophagitis
What does “nissen” mean in fundoplycation?
360 wrap