GI 08 Flashcards
Critical appraisal mean
You are looking for a research paper and weighing up evidence to see its Strength or weakness by looking at its methods flows and weakness
Ex: If it is medication-related research than you probably apply that medicine to a patient based on that paper evidence.
When we see a research paper we use PICOT to Identify :
P-who is the PATIENTS or what is the problem.
I- What is the INTERVENTION or exposure.
C- What is the COMPARISON group.
O- What is the OUTCOME.
T-What is the TIME FRAME or duration.
By this, we can easily find out or identify how the paper is.
Observational and Experimental study
O: Identify participants and then watching them over time. And looking for particular association.
E: Researcher experimenting by intervening in some way. So changing something about one group and not about another group.
All our research studies are 2 types
Descriptive (survay) & Analytic
Analytical study 2 types
Experimental & Observational
Experimental study
Lets devide the whole class in half and give half the class 5 coffees a day and other half no coffees a day and try to find out outcome of study.
Observational study
If we study on whole class room and we asked for their whole 1st year to final year of coffee drinking habits and look out of their results.It might come up some association that one group with high drinker did good on their grades.And didnt intervene in anyway just observing.
Types of Observational study
Case control
Cross sectional
Cohort study
Data obtained from groups who exposed and not exposed.
No intervention done by the researcher. This study is good to identify risk factors on an outcome.
Advantage and disadvantage of Cohort study
- Ethically safe as the researcher is not intervening.
- Can match people up
- Can look different durations of time.
- The problem is sometimes it is difficult to link the exposure with the outcomes. For Example Women with manopause experiencing GI reflux that might be some other hidden cause.
- For rare diseases it is difficult.
- Long follow-up necessary for large sample size.
Case control study
They have a bit control over case control study.
Usually with some matching i.e age that subject exposed to the factor.
Case control study Pros and cons
A -Quick and cheap -Ethecally safe -Good with rare disease D -Relience on recall -Selection of control group difficult. -Potential bias
Cross sectional study
Examine a relationship between disease & other variables of interest at ONE time.
Ex: Hired everyone in a hospital for a week and they tried to identify the H.pylori.Possible causes obesity which is a variables and they will try to draw a association between H.pylori and obesity.
Pros and Cons of Cross-sectional study
A: -Chep and Ethically safe. D: -Unequal group sizes. -Reliance on bias
Random and systemic error
Random/Noise error: That a chance that something different or wrong on a given day.Ex: If I measure the blood pressure of you every time before coming to this class for every day for the last 15 days and I will receive some variations because you may be some times ran to the class or maybe didn’t run some times. So I will get a little bit high and low blood pressure every in 15 days.
Systemic error: I would expect all student’s blood pressure in a normal range. or a bit high or low but if I get high readings each time for all students, then I might think It is a systematic error.