ghost pts, 4 masters of jin-yuan, earth protocol, windows of sky & doorway to earth pts Flashcards
2nd trinity
PC 7 - ghost heart UB 62 - ghost road Du 16 - ghost pillow *doing things they usually don’t do like waking at odd hours, traveling to unusual place - PC 7: fixation on earthly desires, ghost has entered HT; confusion around desires; excessive fire/desires aggravates - UB 62: opening for Yang Qiao Mai, ghost affects how you walk in the world and how you feel about walking in the world, ghost walks alongside you affecting your choices - Du 16: wind entering brain and ghost taking over jing/shen; brain starts to make new pathway to support the habit, represents changes in brain
name the first trinity
Du 26 - ghost palace LU 11 - ghost faith SP 1 - ghost eyes *initial possession, ghost starts to change the way person perceives the world: what you breathe in/smell (Du 26), what you see (SP 1), and your voice (LU 11). Inner demon create confusion (damp), person may feel dizzy, shen disturbance such as inappropriate laughing and crying.
3rd trinity
ST 6 - ghost bed Ren 24 - ghost market PC 8 - ghost cave severe mental illness / addiction / denial - ST 6: full possession has taken place, ghost is in bed with you, person has trouble eating/sleeping, demon trying to destroy yin, self-destructive behavior, denial - Ren 24: negativity of ghost consumes yin –> empty heat sings, wasting & thirsting, addiction destroys essence - PC 8: ghost further affecting shen and the way person feels, paranoia, can’t go outside
4th trinity
Du 23 - ghost hall Ren 1 - ghost store LI 11 - ghost leg yintang/jinjin, yuye, haiquan full mania, catatonic, delusional Du 23: ghost taken over pituitary gland, total separation from world, schizophrenia, hallucination Ren 1: place where yin gathers, ghost has entered zang/root of one’s being, bi-polar LI 11: ghost has attained every aspect of one’s life and person has no recognition of the outside world; this pt clears heat all over the body Yintang: 3rd eye, person catatonic Jinjin/yuye - root of tongue, bleed to clear heat, if you clear heat you give the person a chance to recover their yin
according to Sun Si Miao, which pt treats any disease of the body and why?
BL 43 (below spinous process of T4, 3 cun lat) this pt has access to diaphragm, enters all organs -SSM said burn 100 moxa cones
what is the Jin Yuan period?
the period of medical reform, up to that pt Shang Han Lun was dominant theory and Doctors began to critique it and came up with new theories. there were 4 great masters who emerged at this time
who came up with School of Cold and Cooling? what tx was advocated with school?
Liu Wan-su -pathogens all transform into heat in the body -no moxa -TX: BLEED acupoints, esp Jing-Wells
which master of Jin Yuan came up with School of Building Earth? it’s tx principle?
Li Dong-yuan -wei qi rooted in gu wi: SP descends to support LU - earth school protocol - tonifies earth
what is the earth school protocol? how should it be needled?
needle in this exact order (triangle) and remove in reverse Ren 12 - ST 36 - tonify ST Ren 13 - PC 6 - descend ST & calm HT Ren 10 - St 25 - descend ST & eliminate excess
which master of Jin Yuan came up with School of Attacking and Purging? Tx principle?
Zhang Zi-he -theorized that deficient Wei Qi allowed pathogenic factors to enter the body, strengthen Wei Qi to push out both external and internal pathogen - Tx: needle Jing-Wells, strengthen Wei Qi
who is the Jin Yuan master of School of Enriching Yin? Tx principle?
Zhu Dan Xi -people are Yang in nature, so we need to protect our yin & bc of yin def we hold onto pathogenic yin TX: get rid of pathogenic Yin (damp-heat) - use herbs to build yin
what are the uses for Windows of Sky points?
-psycho-emotional disorders/shen disturbance -issues with sensory orifices (ears, eyes, nose); def of yin, dryness, lack of qi -issues with throat (goiter, scrofula, difficulty swallowing, loss of voice) -to regulate rebellious & chaotic qi (LU & ST)
name the 10 Window of Sky PTs & location?
BL 10 - lateral aspect of trapezius muscle, 1.3 cun lat to Du 15 / two pillars with neck extended Du 16-midline at nape of neck, depression directly below external occipital protuberance SI 17 - angle of mandible & anterior border of SCM SJ 16 - level with mandible, below mastoid process, posterior border of SCM ST 9 - anterior to SCM, level with Adam’s apple LI 18 - bt sternal & clavical head of SCM, “ SI 16 - posterior to SCM, “ Ren 22 - superior to suprasternal notch LU 3 - 3 cun down axillary fold, on radial side of m. biceps brachii PC 1 - 1 cun lat to nipple, 4th ics, 5 cun lat to midline
WTS BL 10?
Tian Zhul / celestial pillar DESCENDS excess yang from head & moves it into chest - calm mind
WTS pt SI 17?
Tian Rong / celestial countenance - ASCENDS YIN TO HEAD - “rong” hood, protection from wind - moistens dryness, brings feelings up from body to mind so mind can recognize feelings of body (emotions are yin) - “wipes away dust” - for rebellion of Yang Qi with aversion to dust & smoke & difficulty breathing, swelling og cheek, goiter, obstruction of throat, tinnitus & deafness
DESCENDS excess yin from above -Tian youl / celestial window/orbit (to enlighten, teach) -stubbornness (yin blocked in face): unblock qi & opens portals
ASCENDS YANG TO HEAD -Tian wu hui / celestial fivefold confluence / welcome humanity - receives 5 qi of 5 viscera, related to “welcome life”, being able to express oneself to family & friends
WTS pt LI 18
ASCENDS YANG TO FACE allowing for expression of emotions -fu tu / support the prominence/chimney - supports expression form in Ren 22 to move up
WTS pt Ren 22
ASCEND YANG allowing expression like LI 18 -Tian tu / celestial chimney -obstruction in chest…
WTS pt LU 3
Brings Yang into chest -Tian Fu / celestial storehouse -powerfl pt for letting go when one is dying, or letting go of grief (KD 26 + LU 3 - grief)
WTS pt Du 16
DESCENDS YANG Into lower body -wind & ghost pt -difficulty breathing, heat in chest, ceaseless vomiting, HA, head wind, dizziness, “100 disease of head”, inability to speak after stroke, mania, suicidal, sadness & fear w/ fright palpitations, nosebleed, etc
WTS pt PC 1
Tian Chi / celestial pool for excess sexual thoughts w/o sexual feelings or physical arousal - mind and body disconnect
what are Doorways to Earth pts used for?
-developed by Jeffrey Yuen to treat issues from tension & blockages bt pelvis and legs - help release the base chakra so that energy can then move through all chakras - release, surrender, allow energy to move through whole body - use in issues with excess pelvic tension issues with sex (fear, obsessions, inability to surrender/orgasm)
what are the Doorways to Earth pts? their location?
BL 40 - midpt of popliteal fossa, bt tendon biceps femoris and semitendinosus GB 30 - 1/3 bt greater trochanter & hiatus of sacrum ST 30 - 3 cun to Ren 2 SP 12 - 3.5 cun “ KI 11 - 0.5 cun “ LV 12 - 2.5 cun “ and 1 cun inferior; crease of groin, medial to femoral vein Ren 1 - at perineum, midway bt anus & genitals Du 1 - midway bt tip of coccyx and anus BL 35 - 0.5 cun lat to tip of coccyx Ren 4 - 3 cun below umb Du 4 - lower border of L2, mingmen Ren 2, 6, 8 - upper border of pubis symphysis, 1.5 cun below umb, at umb
What is the Gu-Qi model treatment used for?
can be used for: - chemotherapy patients, - patients with leaking gut syndrome, - celiac’s disease, - GI tract ulcer or any issue with difficult digestion to help restore ST mucosal lining - sinking SP qi - post-natal qi def - when tx are not working effectively, to restore proper digestion/production of post-natal qi - to make the soil fertile
what are the functions of Gu-Qi model tx?
to re-establish proper metabolic fx of digestion: - ST rotting & ripening - ST descending food - SP ascending Gu Qi - Gu Qi & LU’s Da qi uniting to form ZOng qi - KD yang ascending to support SP yant
what are the main pts of Gu-Qi model?
KD 2 –> SP 8 –> ST 43 –> LI 4 KD 2 - ran gu / blazing valley - moxa to send KD yang to SP yang - “pathway of yang” SP 8 - di ji / earth’s crux - ascends SP qi powerfully (moxa or needle) ST 43 - descend ST qi powerfully LI 4 - he gu / union valley - associated w LU & has major influence on circulation and production of Qi - union of Gu & Da qi in chest; def qi issues