command pts, tx sequence & pt selection, 11 heavenly star, Four Seas, WTS, DTE, Gu-qi model Flashcards
Command pt for ABDOMEN and what does it address? what other categories does it belong to?
ST 36 Zu San Li / leg 3 miles
- earth pt & he sea of ST
- master pt of ST
- heavenly star pt for cold in ST
- Ren 12 - ST 36 first triangle of earth protocol, regulates digestive problems
- major qi tonification pt
fx: ST failing to descend; ST heat (excessive hunger, ST yin xu - hunger w/o desire to eat); tonifies SP to transform dampness
- yangming channel - full of qi and blood
- ST beginning production of Ying qi and Wei qi
who is attributed for the classification of “command points”?, what is the era he belongs to?
Gao Wu of Ming Dynasty
written in his work “Glorious Anthology of Acupuncture and Moxabustion”
Command pt for FACE & MOUTH and what does it address? what other categories does it belong to?
LI 4 He GU / Union Valley
- yuan source
- heavenly star for HA, swelling of face, malaria w/ chills & fever, tooth decay, nosebleed & lockjaw w inability to speak - treats all disease of head, face, ears, eyes, nose, cheeks, mouth, and teeth
- very descending / promote labor
- increases ability of Da qi & Gui qi to unite in LU to form zong/chest qi
- release exterior to expel WC or WH & stop sweating
- analgesic pt
Command pt for HEAD & NAPE of neck and what does it address? what other categories does it belong to?
LU 7 Lieque / broken sequence
- LUO - ascends to head (even though LU channel only travels to throat)
- Confluent of Ren Mai - disorders of Head region, rebellion & blockage of phl & dry throat
- Heavenly Star for one-sided HA, w painful obstruction & numbness of whole body, obstruction of phl in upper body, and lockjaw
- clear exterior & interior wind from head & upper body, and tx facial paralysis, epilepsy, toothache and HA
Command pt for LOWER BACK and what does it address? what other categories does it belong to?
BL 40 weizhong / middle of crook
- he sea, earth pt of water channel: fu-urinary disorders, promotes urination
- divergent confluent pt (with BL 10)
- heavenly star for lumbar pain w inability to straighten up, severe lumbar pain that radiates up back with pain & stiffness of sinews and bones, wind painful obstruction that frequently recurs, and difficulty in stretching and bending knee
- moves stasis in cases of acute lumbar sprain with bleeding
- BL 23 + BL 40 powerful connection, channel pathway BL 1 –> enters brain –> DU 17 –> splits into 2 branches…
- command of skin
- bled to clear heat from blood level
which areas of the face are all five elements associated with?
WOOD- forehead, brow bones, eyebrows
which areas of the face are all five elements associated with?
middle of face, the cheeks & ears (ears are fire & water)
which areas of the face are all five elements associated with?
jaw, chin, mouth
which areas of the face are all five elements associated with?
which areas of the face are all five elements associated with?
hairline, upper forehead (inheritance), ears, chin (related to will), philtrum (related to fertility & creativity, health & longevity), coloring & health of tissue of under eyes
what is idea number of channels and points you should choose in a tx session?
generally, use 3 channels (or less), 9 points or less, and practice unilateral selection when possible -
- this gives a more clear message to body
- unilateral - energy mirrors and activates other side of body on its own
which pt should not be needled more than 5 times in a person’s life?
what to do with forbidden pts? why?
LI 13 Arm 5 miles - if needled more than 5x it can shorten person’s life or cause irreparable harm
when pt forbidden, assume it is possible that this pt can drive pathology deeper and choose cupping over needling
list 6 varying pt tx sequence selections
- channel selection based upon transmission
- pt selection based upon fx of pts such as indications of antique pts
- insertion sequence based upon primary channels’ pathway
- insertion sequence based upon Local and Distal pts
- pt selection based upon palpation
- pts selection based upon pt names
1) where problem currently is (ex WC affecting LI - LI 4 & LI 20)
2) where it previously came from / pathomechanism (came from LU - LU 7)
3) protect where it may go (if weakness in ST fluid, protect ST, ST 43)
* pathology can also transform in unrecognizable form seemingly unrelated to etiology
* access status of humors
* transmission can occur: along channel systems sequence, according to 6 stages (taiyang –> yangming–> etc); at Jiao-exchange pt; in order of Generation or Control cycle
after selecting channels to treat, consider needling in order of each channel pathway, and in order of Primary channel sequence
ex: LU 1, LU 7, ST 36, SP 3
or LU 7, GB 22, GB 34, LV 3
*select JIAO pts to affect more than 1 channel, while needling one
when do you use bilateral needling?
- for severe and or acute conditions where symptoms are more pronounced (may be just 1 channel bilaterally, and others unilaterally)
- divergent meridians
when do you use unilateral needling?
mild conditions or when patient is Deficient
- primary, sinews, luo, 8 extraordinary vessels may be treated unilaterally
if you decide to tx primiary channel UNILATERALLY, which side (left or rt) should you consider tx first? (list side of dominant channel energy for each of primary channel)
tx on the side of the body where their pulse is located
KD yin BL KD yang
if you decide to tx Luo UNILATERALLY, which side should you consider tx first?
LUO pts and vessels are TX on the OPPOSITE side of primary meridian
left pulse: bled on RT
HT 5 & PC 6 - “
LV 5 & GB 37 - “
KD 4 & BL 58 - “
rt pulse: bled on LF
LU 7 & LI 6 - “
SP 4 & ST 40 - “
KD 4 yang - “
in number of pts, odd numbers are _____ and therefore__________; even numbers are _______ and therefore _________.
odd numbers are YANG and therefore MORE MOVING
even numbers are YIN and therefore MORE STABILIZING OF THE ENERGY
removal sequence: removing in same order vs reverse order as insertion?
top to bottom?
bottom to top?
- removing in same order is YANG, MOVING
- removing in reverse order is YIN, STABILIZING ENERGY USED IN TX
- top to bottom: ANCHORS ENERGY DOWN
- bottom to top: BRING ENERGY UP
*needles can also be removed for energy to converge
which qi levels do: 12 sinews, 15 luos, 12 primary, 8 extraordinary, 12 divergent connect with?
WEI: 12 cutaneous & 12 Sinew channels
wei–> ying: Luo connects these 2 levels
YING: 12 primaries (connects with wei, ying, yuan)
YUAN :Divergent connect wei to yuan (skips ying)
8 extraordinary
what are the convergence / confluent pts of SINEW channels?
leg yang
arm yang
leg yin
arm yin
leg yang (BL, GB, ST: cheek area) - SI 18, ST 3 arm yang (SI, SJ, LV: head) - GB 13 or ST 8
leg yin (SP, KD, LV: pubis sym) - Ren 2 arm yin (LU, HT, PC: torso) - GB 22
what is the movt related to sinews, and the order of transmission?
- Tai yang: BL propelling forward in space, reaching out
- Shao yang: rotational movt, shift side to side, changing direction
- Yang ming - stopping suddenly, holding
- Tai yin: movt coming toward the midline of body
- Shao yin: crossing body
- Jue yin: lying down, not moving
leg tai yang -> leg shao yang -> leg yang ming -> arm tai yang -> arm shao yang -> arm yangming –> leg tai yin -> arm tai yin -> leg shao yin -> arm shao yin -> leg jue yin -> arm jue yin
what are the 3 levels associated with pre-requisites of life according to Confucian (& Daoist) belief? what are the organs that are affected?
1) survival (respiration LU, digestion ST-SP, sleep - nourishes shen)
2) interaction - also communication, meaningful relationships; discovery about yourself through connection & interaction with others, self and world, discovering one’s temperament
HT-SI fire - shen
BL-KD water - jing
*takes our jing/deepest self and express out to world
3) differentiation - defining life in a more limited way - hobbies, interests, choices, which define one’s life
*PC is shaped through trauma and can force SJ to disseminate source qi to the BL shu differently
what is the Divergent Convergence / confluent pts sequence, what pts are they?
tai yang leg (yin) -> shao yang leg (yin) -> yang ming leg (yin) —> tai yang arm (yin) -> shao yang arm (yin) -> yangming arm (yin)
BL/KD: BL 40 & BL 10 - JING GB/LV: Ren 2 & GB 1 - blood ST/SP: ST 30 & BL1 - thin fluids SI/HT: GB 22 & BL 1 - thick fluids SJ/PC: Ren 12 & SJ 16 - Qi LI/LU: ST 12 & LI 18 - yang / end stage
what are the 3 generations of extraordinary vessels?
1st generation:
- Chong - “sea of blood”, blueprint
- Ren - yin, resources needed to construct body
- Du - yang, activity needed to construct body
2nd generation: related to things happening over time, dealt with def of yin/yang, 7-8 yr cycle
- yin wei - linking yin / how you connect with yourself over time
- yang wei - linking of yang
3rd generation - represent constitution at the moment, excess/stasis of yin/yang
- yin qiao - how we stand up to ourselves, self-perception; emotional stasis
- yang qiao - how we stand up to the world, perception of world - action
- Dai - what you are currently holding onto
how are confluent opening pts needled, and what are they?
how are they coupled?
post-natally: RT women, LF men
- Chong *exception, prenatal so LF women, RT men, SP 4 + Yin Wei PC 6
- DAI GB 41 + Yang Wei SJ 5
REN - LU 7 + YIN Qiao - KD 6
DU - SI 3 + YANG Qiao - UB 62
who is 11 heavenly star attributed to?
what is the 12th pt added later?
Ma Danyang (born 1123 AD / Song dynasty)
12th pt - LV 3
these pts are considered wondrous in nature, Daoist interpretation of influence of stars on acupuncture pts
list the 12 heavenly star pts and the body position that “activates” them?
1) Supine: knees bent & feet on table, hands in prayer position moves qi: LI 11 LI 4 mobilizes Qi in abd: ST 36 ST 44
2) prone: release yang energy open lower back BL 40 BL 57 - connects LU to lower back, constipation LV 3 BL 60 - "
3) Side - drains damp heat, hips flex 90, top knee 90, leveled with navel
GB 30 - latent damp heat
GB 34 - drains dai mai, tx damp-heat, resistance to change, indecisiveness, obesity-dampness
4) supine - release everything
HT 5
LU 7
define Hai, Mai, Jing, Luo, Jiao, Liao?
two pts that contain radical for silk?
hai - sea mai - vessels jing - channel luo - network jiao - intersection liao - bone hole
silk radical - Jing, Luo
what are the Four Seas? and the pts of them?
Sea of Marrow: Du 20 & Du 16
Sea of Blood: BL 11, ST 37, ST 39
Sea of Qi: St 9, Ren 17, Du 15, Du 14
Sea of Water and Cereals: ST 30, ST 36
what are the reasons for selecting Windows of the Sky Points?
- psycho-emotional disorders / shen disturbances
- issues with sensory orifices (ears, eyes, nose - def of yin, dryness, lack of qi)
- issues with thorat (goiter, scrofula, difficulty swallowing, loss of voice)
- to regulate rebellious & chaotic qi (LU & ST)
list 10 WTS pts and fx
stairway from chest to neck
- PC 1: excess sexual thought w/o arousal
- LU 3: brings yang to chest, things stuck in chest, sadness (KD 26 + LU 3 - letting go before death)
- Ren 22: ASCENDS yang up allowing expression like LI 18
- ST 9: earth, ASCENDS yang to head, being able to express self to friends and family, HA
- LI 18: ASCENDS yang to face allowing for expression of emotions, supports expression from Ren 22
- SI 16: ASCENDS yang to head, helps gain insight, benefits senses
- SI 17: ASCENDS yin to head, moistens dryness of orifices, brings feelings up from body to mind so mind can recognize feelings of body, used to be GB pt, wood
- SJ 16***: DESCENDS excess yin from above, unblock qi & opens portals, STUBBORNNESS, SJ channel affects all sensory orifices
- BL 10: DESCENDS excess yang from head and moves it to chest
- DU 16: DESCENDS yang into lower body, wind and ghost pt, “tx 100 disease of head”
list Doorways to Earth, why would you use these pts?
tx issues arising from tension & blockages bt pelvis and legs; help release base chakra so that energy can move through all chakras; used in issues of excess pelvic tension; issues with sex (fear, obsessions, inability to orgasm/surrender)
BL 40
GB 30
ST 30
SP 12
KD 11
LV 12
Ren 2, 6, 8
Ren 4 - 2 cun up from Ren 2
Du 4 - L2
BL 35 - lat to coccyx
Ren 1
Du 1
what are reasons for using Gu-Qi model tx?
- chemotherapy patients, patients with leaking gut syndrome, Celiac’s Disease, GI tract Ulcer or any issues with difficult digestion to help restore ST mucosal lining
- sinking SP qi
- post-natal qi def
- when tx are not working effectively, to restore proper digestion/production of post-natal qi “make soil fertile”
what are fx of Gu - Qi tx? and what are the pts?
re-establish proper metabolic fx of digestion
- ST rotting and ripening
- ST descending food
- SP ascending Gu Qi
- Gu Qi & LU’s Da qi uniting to form Zong qi
- KD Yang ascending to support SP yang
KD 2 -> SP 8 : pathway bt KD yang and SP yang
ST 43 - descends ST qi powerfully
LI 4 - associated with LU & has major influence on circulation and production of qi - the union of Gu & Da qi in chest