Geologic Time and Earth's History Flashcards
Two facts about Aristotle
He lived from 384-322 B.C, and he stated fossils were the remains living organisms. In addition, land and sea changes of long periods of time.
Three facts about Archbishop Ussher
He lived from 1581 to 1664 and he used biblical events, which he then stated that all speices were made by God, and that earth was created on October 23, 4004 B.C.
Two facts about Nicholas Steno
He lived from 1636 to 1686 and he developed the first three laws used in relative dating methods.
Two facts about Georges Louis De Buffon
He lived from 1707 to 1788 and he used temperate mesaurements of Earth to calculate age to be at least 75,000 years old.
Three facts about Georges Cuvier
He lived from 1769 to 1832 and he developed theory of catastrophism. In addition, he stated 6 catastrophes occurred in the past and Noah’s flood being the last one.
Two facts about John Holy
He lived from 1857 to 1933 and he used salinity measurements of oceans to calculate age to be at least 90 million years old.
Three facts about James Hutton
He lived from 1726 to 1797 and was known as the father of geology. In addition, he developed uniformitarianism-geologic eventshappening today most likely occurred in the past, with enough time small changes can have huge effects.
Two facts about Charles Lyell
He lived from 1797 to 1875 and he published the book “Principles of Geology” in the 1830’s showing Hutt’s work.
What is relative dating?
Puts geologic events in order from youngest to oldest based on their position in the geologic position. In addition, it created the geologic time scale.
What is absolute dating?
Gives us specific and detailed discriptiosn of when something happened. Helped there be dates on the geologic time scale.
What are all the time units?
A = annum (years), Ga = giga annum (billion years), Ka = Kilo annum (thousands of years), Ma = mega annum (million years)
What is the principle of Superstition?
In a undeformed sequence of sedimentary rocks from the youngest layers being at the top and the oldest at the bottom.
What is the principle of Original Horizontality?
When all water-lain sediments deposit horizontaliy under the influence of gravity.
What is the princple of Orignal lateral Continuity?
When sediments extend laterally in every direction.
What is cross-cutting relationships?
Is when the fault or intursion that cut through another rock is younger than that rock.