Genre Development Flashcards
What are the major Franco-Flemish sacred genres of the Medieval era?
Chant, Organum, Discant, Conductus, Motet, Mass, Mass sections
What are the major Italian sacred genres of the Medieval era?
Chant, Organum, Lauda, Polyphonic liturgical settings, Motet, Mass sections
What are the major English sacred genres of the Medieval era?
Chant, Organum, Discant, Gymel, Motet, Mass Sections
What are the major Franco-Flemish secular genres of the Medieval era?
Folk music, Goliard song, Troubadour song, Trouvere song, Motet, Hocket estampie, Polyphonic chanson
What are the major Italian secular genres of the Medieval era?
Folk music, Goliard song, Vernacular song, Instrumental dance, Madrigal, Ballata, Caccia
What are the major English secular genres of the Medieval era?
Folk music, Latin and French song, Vernacular song, Rondellus, Instrumental dance
What are the 5 major segments of the Mass Ordinary?
Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Sanctus, Agnus Dei
What are the 5 major segments of the Mass Proper?
Introit, Gradual, Alleluia, Offertory, Communion
What are the hours of the Office?
Matins (Te Deum), Lauds, Prime, Terce, Sext, None, Vespers (Magnificat), Compline (Nunc dimittis), Marian antiphons