Genetic Engineering Flashcards
What is the first stage for genetic engineering?
A Gene (e.g. for insulin) is cut out of a human chromosome using enzymes
What is the second stage for genetic engineering?
A DNA plasmid is taken out of a bacterium and cut open using enzymes
What is the third stage for genetic engineering?
The human insulin gene and the plasmid are mixed together
What is the fourth stage for genetic engineering?
The human insulin gene and the plasmid are stuck together to make a new plasmid
What is the fifth stage for genetic engineering?
The new plasmid with the human insulin gene is put back into a bacterium. The bacterium has been genetically modified. Now the bacterium will make human insulin.
What are the advantages of genetic engineering?
- Making human insulin using GM bacteria is quicker and cheaper than producing it any other way. So more people with diabetes can be treated.
- Golden rice is a GM and plant that contains genes from other plants that increases the production of beta-carotene. Beta-carotene makes vitamin A. It could prevent illness caused by a lack of vitamin A in people that mainly eat rice.
What are the disadvantages of genetic engineering?
- A few diabetic people react badly to this insulin and needs a different form.
- Golden price seed cost more than normal rice seeds so the poorest people can’t afford to grow it.