Clones Flashcards
What is a clone?
A clone is an organism that has identical genes. Cloning is an example of asexual reproduction
What is an advantage of cloning?
If the animal that is cloned has good features, all of its offspring will have the same good features
What are the disadvantages of cloning?
- it is more difficult to clone a mammal than a plant. It may take many attempts before a healthy cloned mammal is born, each attempt costs more money
- Cloned mammals may suffer more health problems than usual, which may cause them to die early
- Any genetic defect in the parent will be passed onto off spring
What is the first stage of cloning?
A nucleus is removed from an egg cell and another diploid nucleus is removed from an adult body cell and placed in the empty egg
What is the second stage of cloning?
The egg cell is then stimulated with an electric pulse to start mitotic division. The cell divides and grows as an embryo
What happens in the third stage of cloning?
The embryo is then placed into the uterus of a surrogate mother until it is ready to be born