DNA Flashcards
What is a chromosome?
A chromosome consists of a string of genes
What is a gene?
A gene is a short piece of DNA that codes for a specific protein.
What do genes do?
They determine your hair structure, eye colour enzymes and every other protein in your body
What is a double helix?
A twisted strand of DNA
What does A join to?
What does C join to?
Where is DNA found?
In the nucleus of a cell
What holds the base pairs together?
Weak hydrogen bonds hold the DNA strands together
How do you extract DNA?
A kiwi fruit is mashed up and mixed with salty water and detergent. This breaks open the cells and helps to release the DNA form the nuclei.
Protease enzyme is added to the filtered mixture. The enzyme helps to break up proteins in the cell membranes so release more DNA.
ICE-cold ethanol is poured carefully down the inside the tube into the mixture. The ethanol makes the DNA separate from the liquid so it is easy to lift out.