genetic approaches to studying bacterial pathology Flashcards
goal of genetic approaches
identify bacterial genes encoding virulence factors in order to
develop new and better ways of preventing or treating infections
genetic complementation goal/steps
- isolate microbe of interest, then isolate and cut the DNA
- introduce DNA into plasmids and donate to E. Coli
- enrich and select for invasive colonies with growth, Ab treatment and washing several times
- analyze plasmid seq for invasion gene
- mutate plasmid via recombination=loss of function mutation/ suicide plasmid
- introduce plasmid to microbe via sex pili
- test microbe mutants to prove they can no longer invade
plasmid creation in genetic complementation
restriction enxymes used to cut DNA of microbe which is then incorporated into plasmids
many possible variations produced that are then introduced to E coli
selection mechanism in genetic complementation
Gentamycin kills E. coli that do not invade cells
Gentamycin does not penetrate mammalian cells.
lysis of cells after treatment and washing to extract invading E coli
Positive selection for E coli capable of invasion due to genes
what is done in genetic complementation after the invasive factor is ID’d
After identification of gene for invasion factor: Manipulate gene further to
prove that invasin really does promote cell invasion.
Generate DNA sequence = inv gene
Deduce protein coding region = invasin protein
“Loss-of-function mutation” produced for suidice plasmid that replicates in E coli
small, mobile elements of DNA
two kinds: simple and composite
simple transposons
a core area with gene for transposition flanked by inverted repeat sequences then direct repeats
complex transposons
core area contains multiple genes for things such as drug resistance
Insertion of a transposon in a gene most often creates a?
loss of function
Transposon marks the site of?
the mutation (sequence and antibiotic resistance)
Tn-phoA mutagenesis purpose/ steps
phoA gene Encodes a periplasmic phosphatase>engineered phoA gene
lacks N-terminus so expression depends on fusion to an adjacent gene after transposition
1. introduce pho-A/KMr transposon onto suicide plasmid
2. incorporate plasmid to microbial chromosome
3. select for KMr
4. Identify colonies also expressing phoA, indicates expression of a periplasmic protein
5. measure PhoA activity after growth in variable mediums to determine the environment this protein is expressed in
6. inject mouse with mutated pathogen, virulence should be decreased due to likely LOF mutation.
Genetic screen versus genetic selection.
screen: examine individual bacteria for desirable trait
selection: only bacteria with desirable trait grow (Gentamycin selection in
complementation assay)
Signature-tagged mutagenesis steps
transposon based, negative trait selection
- transposons with KMr core and DNA tags flanking in E coli and variable seq
- mate E.coli with other microbe to transfer transposons and create a library of mutants
- pool mutants and inject mouse but also extract DNA from pool for PCR, tagging and membrane probing
- extract sample from mouse and plate= recovered pool
- both mutant pool and recovered pool are plated and compared, ONLY EXAMINE THE POPULATIONS THAT ARE NO LONGER PRESENT IN RECOVERED POOL
Promoter-trapping/ IVET goal/steps
Look for genes of S. typhimurium that are expressed in infection but not in the laboratory
- digested chromo combined with plasmid containing reporter genes PurA and LacZY= library created
- propagation of these plasmid occurs in E coli
- plasmids transferred to salmonella/ integrated into chromo
- recombination events occur, markers remain
- bacteria injected into mouse and survival dependent on the plasmid which req PurA function
- remove sample from mouse/ plate with ampicillin (resistance gene in plasmid)
- screen for colonies not expressing LacZY, no dye effect= promoter only expressed in vivo
DFI: Differential fluorescence induction steps
cell sorting with fluorescence
- ligate chromo fragments to the gfp plasmid that is then incorporated into salmonella
- salmonella mixed with macrophages and allowed to invade
- invaded pages separated based on the florescence of the bac inside them, will light up if genes of plasmids being expressed due to gfp expression
- lyse phages, grow bac on media and sort again with FACS
- infect phages with non gfp bac then sort again based on fluorescence with FACS
- analyze sequences fluorescent in bac but not in media
IVIAT: In vivo-induced antigen technology steps
Antibody-based approach, specific to pro of the pathogen
- genome fragments of the bac used to create an expression library for bac phage
- phage infect bac and produce phage factory that cause cell bursting, continuing cycle
- plaques produced
- pt sample taken, Ab extracted for specificity (remove Ab that bind factors from organisms grown on medium)
- perform immunoassay with Ab and plaques
- examine plaques interacting with Ab to determine DNA seq of pathogen
transcription analysis, determine up/down regulations of different genes
- RNA isolation from both pt sample and lab sample of microbe
- create cDNA and label with marker sensitive to dye for different genes
- hybridize both populations of cDNA on a microarray
- color of microarray can indicate relative expression of the genes
whole genome sequencing
DNA based approach
ID virulence factors and compare pathogenic strains to non pathogenic
unique sequences may represent virulence factor
RNA sequencing
cell/tissue sample taken, directly sequenced no need for cDNA
can look at mixed samples between host/pathogen (unlike microarrays)
RNA seq compared to microarray
RNA sequencing is more sensitive and has a wider dynamic range than microarray analysis.