Genes Flashcards
Define epigenetics (2)
chemical reactions that activate + deactivate parts of genome
at certain times + certain locations
Evolution of disgust (2)
people more likely to avoid pungent/rotting substances if they wrinkle their faces
protect people from consuming poisonous/harmful substances
Aim of Curtis et al. Study
investigate patterns of disgust around the world
Procedure of Curtis et al. Study (3)
online survey of 40,000 participants
participants shown 20 images - some images contained potential disease threat
participants asked to rate level of disgust for images
Results of Curtis et al. Study (3)
disgust strongest for images presenting threat to immune system
disgust responses diminish with age
disgust responses higher for women than men on average
Implications of Curtis et al. study (2)
disgust diminishes with age - threats to immune system less relevant to reproduction as individual moves past reproduction years
disgust higher for women - increased sensitivity to disgust to ensure safe childbearing
Limitations of Curtis et al. (2)
disgust can be subjective based on culture
participants may not respond accurately to surveys
Aim of Fessler et al.
investigate connection between disgust during pregnancy + vulnerability to diseases
Participants of Fessler et al study
online survey of around 500 pregnant women
Procedure of Fessler et al study
women asked to rate level of disgust in contact with animals, sex, death, hygiene, food, body products
Results of Fessler et al study
disgust responses greater during first trimester of pregnancy