Generics ELOs Flashcards
ID the 5 component plans of an air assault:
Air Assault Operation
- Ground tactical plan
- Landing Plan
- Air Movement Plan
- Loading Plan
- Staging Plan
ID The 3 Types of Insert & Extract Tactics
Air Assault Operation
- X: < 300m from the obj (within small arms effective range)
- Y: >300m; <1000m from the obj (within Heavy weapon range)
- Offset: >1000m or outside of audible range
Define Go Criteria
Air Assault Operation
Go: The prerequistes that need to be meet, either equipment, personnel, or conditions, prior to the mission commencement based on Friendly Disposition.
Define No-Go:
Air Assault Operation
If met, these prerequisites (e.g., equipment, personnel, conditions, or capabilities) will prevent the execution of the mission; based on enemy disposition and weather.
Define Terms Associated w/ Air Assault Operations:
-Ice & Cherry
Air Assault Operation
Ice: [A/A] [S/A] Call that the LZ or DZ has enemy below prebriefed risk. Opposite of and canels Cherry.
Cherry: [A/A], [S/A] Call to inbound aircraft the LZ or DZ has enemy above the prebriefed risk tolerance.
pulled from the .5
Define Immediate Reembark
Air Assault Operation
The expeditious embarkation of troops in a **permissive threat environment ** IOT move them to another location or in response to an insert abort.
Define Emergency Extract
Air Assault Operation
Extraction of a unit that is in contact or contact is imminent with an overwhelming force.
ID Billet Responsible for completing ASSAT
Air Assault Operation
ID Information provided by ASSAT & ASLT
Air Assault Operation
* Assigns Serials to personnel/equipment
* with weights
* includes bump plan
* Assigns Serial to waves to LZ on a time schedule.
Define the 3 Essential Elements of a Communication
Instructional Techiques
- Know your audience
- Develop a focused, clear presentation
- Communicate with clarity.
Describe the 2 foundational Aspects of communication
Instructional Techiques
- Non-Verbal
* Pose
* Eye Contact - Verbal
* Articulation
* Emphasis
Acronym associated with developing a focused, clear presentation.
Instructional Techiques
* Subject
* Central Theme
* Objective
* Rationale
* Resources
* Evaluate
Explain the process conducted by the staff to develop understanding of the enviroment.
Intel Support to Aviation
1. Define the operational enviroment.
Output: Area of operation, influence and interest
2. Describe the effects on operations.
Output: Modified Combined obstacle overlay
3. Evaluate the Threat
Output: doctrine templates, caps, Lims, and composition
4. Determine Threat COAs
Describe the Products produced by the intelligence section to support the mission planning and execution:
Intel Support to Aviation
Intel Specialist (Sqd S-2) [0231]
* Intel updates
* Planning: Threat slides/threat time distance analysis
* Execution: Reece pack
* Imagery Specialist[0241]: Airfiled/LZ study, threat pack
* Topographic Analyst [0261]: Urban refrence grids, Grided ref graphics
* ELINT [2631]: emitter location, OPS clocks, BDAs
* COMINT [2621]: pattern of life
Explain how Priority Intelligence requests (PIRs) are used to facilitate decision making.
Intel Support to Aviation
* type of CCIR
* Focused on WET (weather, enemy, terrain)
* Tied to critical decisions
Describe the Maritime Domain & the littoral operating area to include importance of the exclusive economic zone.
Joint Maritime OPs
7 Areas:
1. Oceans
2. Seas
3. Estuaries
4. Bays
5. Islands
6. Costal Areas
7. Airspace
Ocean and Seas considered Blue Water
Estuaries and Bays considered Brown Water
Islands and Coastal Areas are Green Water.
1. Seaward- Open Ocean to shore
2. Landward- shore to area that can be defended from the sea.
EEZ: starts where territoral water ends @ 12nm and extends to 200nm. Supports national, diplomatic, political, and economic rights to offshore territorial waters, islands and continental Self. Does not extend to man made islands.
Describe the composite warfare Command and Control methodology used to retain command authority
Joint Maritime OPs
Command by Negation
1. Actions against an assessed threat are preplanned.
2. subordinate commanders take action without delay
3. Robust reporting requirements vs requesting
4. commanders retain the power to negate any particular action.
Explain the 5 components of the composite warfare commanders tier structure.
Joint Maritime OPs
- Officer in tactical command
* Senior officer present.
* Controls CWC through mission typ order and command by negation
* callsign “_A” - Composite Warfare commander
* responsible for overall direction and control of subordinate commands
* “_B” - Warfare commander
* Manage targets/tracks within mission area.
* Act autonomously over specific mission area
* Established for extened periods. - Functional Group commander
* like WC but more limited in scope and duration
* Still act autonomously over specific mission domain - Coordinators
* execute policy of OTC/CWC
* Mange assets and resources.
* No autonomous actions.
What are the Warfare Commanders and their callsigns?
- Air and Missile Defense Commander
* Defense of the force against air and ballistic missile threats
* Callsign “_W” - Informational Warfare Commander
* Senior N2 Officer
* Shapes, assess, and provide maneuver within the informaitonal enviroment
* Callsing “_Q” - Sea Combat Commander
* DESRON Commadore
* Combines Antisub WC “_X” and Surface “_S”
* Operations conducted to destroy or neutralize enemy naval surface forces
* Defense of the force against sub threats.
* Callsign “_Z” - Strike Warfare Commander
* CVW Commander
* Naval operations to destroy or neutralize enemy targets ashore
* “_P”
Describe Maritime specific planning docs used during maritime ops
Joint Maritime OPs
- Maritime Tactical Message
* OPGEN (General Orders) - Commanders Intent, distributed by the OTC
* OPTASK (Operations Orders)- specific guidance.
* OPSTAT (SitRep) - Daily/Weekly Intentions Message
* Daily or weekly updates
* amplifies or modifies previous OPTASK - Preplanned Response
* Est criteria to initiate autonomous actions.
* Triggers and Responses
Define Offensive Air Support
Offensive Air Support
Air operations conducted against enemy installations, facilitates, or personnel that directly assists in attainment of MAGTF Obj through destruction or isolation.
Define DAS
Offensive Air Support
Deep Air Support:
Air Action Against Enemy targets conducted at such distance from friendly forces that detailed integration of each missioin with the fire & manuever of friendly forces is not required.
Define CAS
Offensive Air Support
Close Air Support:
Air action by aircraft against hostile targets that are in close proximity to friendly forces that require detailed intergration of each air missions with the fire & movement.
Define 3 methods of SCAR tasking?
Offensive Air Support
Investigate: look for targets [PID, compostion, disposition]
Target: direct strikers to prosecute known target locations
Smack: Authority to release ordanance on target at specific coordinates [think BOC]
Define the types of terminal attack control:
Offensive Air Support
Type 1:
* required control of individual attacks
* Controller must visually acquire aircraft at weapon release & target
Type 2:
* required control of individual attacks
* Any or all: controller unable to acquire aircraft at release &/or visually acquire target
Type 3:
* clearance for multiple attacks in a single engagement
* subject to specific attack restrictions
Define the types of methods of attacks:
Offensive Air Support
- Bomb on Target (BOT): Aircraft must tally/capture the target or contact the mark
- Bomb on Coordinate (BOC): Aircraft not required to capture the target.
ID principle objectives of the MACCS
Marine Air Command and Control System
- Enhance Unity of Effort
- Integrate Elements of C2
- Disseminate Common SA
Describe the maritime domain and what makes it complex?
Question posed for JMO
- list the 7 Domains:
* Ocean
* Seas
* Estuaries
* Bays
* Island
* Coastal
* Airspace - Blue: Ocean and Seas
- Brown: Estuaries and Bays
- Green: Island and Coastal
- The MLR operates in the green water areas. Operating in conjunction with the navy will operate seaward to the landward environment.
How does China 10 dash line effect the EEZ?
Question posed for JMO
- EEZ definition
- Multiple island have political and economic rights due to the EEZ.
- The artificial islands that China has produced while UNCLOS does not recognize as extending the EEZ but China does
What are the two segments that make up the littorals?
Question posed for JMO
- Seeward and Landward
Seaward: Dictated by the threat and driven by the navy
Landward: Based on the area that can be defended from the sea
- Seeward is key to controlling landward and landward is the last defendable position.