Generalization and Maintenance Flashcards
what is generalization?
behaviour occurs in the presence of an SD that is SIMILAR to the one used in TRAINING
(i.e. behaviour change exists beyond training program)
What are the 3 kinds of generalization of a target behaviour?
- response maintenance
- transfer of behaviour across situations and settings
- response generalization
what is response maintenace?
maintaining the target behaviour after the training program has ended
what is transfer of behaviour across situations and settings?
target behaviour occurs in different settings and circumstances
what is response generalization?
changing the target behaviour results in CHANGES IN SIMILAR OR RELATED BEHAVIOURS
what is the spillover effect?
aka response generalization; changing target behaviour will change related or similar behaviours
Explain the “train and hope” generalization process.
after the training program, just HOPE THAT GENERALIZATION (and maintenance) of the target behaviour OCCURS
What are the 3 general categories of generalization strategies?
what does it mean to “exploit natural contingencies”?
use antecedents and consequences that are in the person’s natural environment (everyday life)
what does it mean to “train diversely”?
during the training program, use variations of the ABCs
what does it mean to “incorporate functional mediators”?
use an SD to prompt the behaviour between training and generalization
what is a behavioural trap? provide an example
generalization strategy
a behaviour that has been developed by PROGRAMMMED reinforcers is “trapped”/maintained by NATURAL reinforcers
e.g. target behaviour is reading; person likes to make cookies –> behavioural trap = read a cookie recipe book
What are the 5 steps to setting a behavioural trap?
- identify your PREY (target behaviour)
- find some powerful BAIT (reinforcer)
- set the TRAP (place the materials in the person’s path)
- MAINTAIN trap line (use a variety of reinforcers)
- APPRAISE your catch (modify trap if it didn’t work)
True or False: generalization procedures work best when you switch from a continuous to an intermittent schedule of reinforcement.
What is in situ training?
training occurs in the natural environment after an in situ assessment in which the UNAWARE person does NOT PERFORM THE TARGET BEHAVIOUR
note: in situ assessment –> person is unaware that they are begin assessed
why did the “Eddie Eagle Gunsafe Program” fail?
there was no in situ training
what is general case training/programming? what does general case mean?
use a range of ANTECDENTS (stimuli) and RESPONSES (consequences)
note: general case = target behaviour that occurs beyond the training situation
what are the 4 steps of implementing a generalization strategy?
- identify TARGET STIMULUS/SITUATIONS for the behaviour
- identify NATURAL CONTINGENCIES of reinforcement
- MEASURE GENERALIZATION of behaviour change (using generalization probes)
what is a booster program?
additional intervention sessions that RESTORE THE ORIGINAL PROGRAM’S TRAINING
what are generalization probes?
method of measuring generalization of a behaviour change
trials that check whether the person performs the behaviour with relevant context
True or False: generalizing the reduction of a problem behaviour should be focused on differential reinforcement of an alternative behaviour (DRA)
how to promote generalization?
reinforce behavior when generalization is occurring
- reinforce outside of training situation
what happens when the trainer is not able to reinforce occurrences of generalization and there are no existing natural contingencies of reinforcement?
generalization may be promoted by modifying contingencies of reinforcement
what are stimulus exemplars?
stimuli representing range of relevant stimuli situations in which response is to occur after training - promotes generalization
functionally equivalent responses
- different responses that achieve the same outcome
- each response serves same function for the person
whats another strategy to promote generalization?
provide cues or reminders in natural enviro to make target more likely to occcur
self-generated mediator of generalization
behavior that makes it more likely that one will perform the target behavior at the right time
- self-instruction is used to cue the right behavior at the right time -> ex: self-recording, self-instruction
how to achieve generalized reduction in problem behavior?
- functionally equivalent alternative behaviors as replacements for problem behavior
what are the guidelines to achieve generalized reduction?
- conduct functional assessment of problem behavior
- plan for generalization in advance
- focus on functionally equivalent alternative behaviors to replace problem behaviors
- maintain extinction or punishment contingencies across situations and over time