General topography of the neck (dave's notes) Flashcards
What are the four deep cervical fascias?
Investing layer, prevertebral fascia, pretracheal/visceral fascia, carotid sheath
What does the investing layer split around?
SCM, trapezius, parotid gland
What is the investing layer attached to?
Surrounds the neck like a collar, posteriorly attached to the ligamentum nuchae, anteriorly the hyoid bone, inferiorly the pectoral girdle, spine of scapula and flat part of the clavicle.
What may the investing layer be compared to?
The deep fascia underlying the subcutaneous fat elsewhere.
What significant space is associated with the investing layer?
The layers of investing fascia are attached to the anterior and posterior layers of the jugular notch, creating the suprasternal space.
What are the superior and inferior attachments of the pre vertebral fascia?
Runs from the base of the skull in front of longs captious and rectus captious, INFERIORLY to ???
What happens to the prevertebral fascia laterally?
It fades out
What lies deep to the prevertebral fascia?
The prevertebral muscles, all the cervical nerve roots, the third part of the subclavian artery, the muscles that floor the posterior triangle
What pierces the prevertebral fascia?
The four cutaneous branches of the cervical plexus
What are the four cutaneous branches of the cervical plexus?
Greater Auricular, lesser occipital, transverse cervical, supraclavicular
What role does the prevertebral fascia serve?
It provides a fixed base for the pharynx, oesophagus, and carotid sheaths to glide on.
How is the prevertebral fascia prolonged?
The prevertebral fascia is prolonged as the axillary sheath
What are the attachments of the pretracheal or visceral fascia?
What lies superficial to the pretracheal fascia?
The infra hyoid strap muscles.
Does the pretracheal fascia split?
Yes, the pretracheal fascia splits to enclose the thyroid gland, but is not adherent to it except at the isthmus and the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th tracheal rings.
What lies behind the pretracheal fascia?
The thymus and inferior parathyroid glands.