General surgery and Urology Flashcards
Alvardo score is for?
For appendicitis
First line pain relief for renal colic
NSAID by ANY route
Caecal vs sigmoid volvulus
Management of systemically well diverticulitis
Just analgesia
Blue dot sign
Torsion of the appendix testes
Treatment for epidiymo-orchitis where a STI is not suspected
Medical management for a renal stone
Pain medication contraindicated in renal colic
Anti spasmodics
Oakland risk score
The Oakland Score for safe discharge after lower GI bleed predicts readmission risk in patients with acute lower GI bleeding.
Surface marking of McBurney’s point
One-third of the distance from the anterior superior iliac spine to the umbilicus
Gallstone ileus cause
Presents like
is caused by the impaction of a gallstone within the lumen of the small intestine. The stone typically impacts at the caeco-ileal valve.
Shock index is calculated by
the ratio between heart rate and systolic blood pressure (HR/SBP)
Reynold’s pentad
Fever (usually with rigors)
Right upper quadrant pain
Altered mental status
Obstructive ascending cholangitis
Chilaiditi sign cause on XR
Is caused by the interposition of a loop of the large intestine between the diaphragm and the liver.
the presence of visible gas below the right diaphragm. Rugal folds are often seen within the gas, showing that it lies within the bowel and is not free.
Where is the commonest location for gallstones to become lodged and cause cholestasis?
Hartmann’s pouch
90% of cases of diverticulitis involve the …
sigmoid colon
Ranson criteria
A clinical prediction rule for predicting the severity of acute pancreatitis.
A score >3 is indicative of severe pancreatitis (>15% mortality).
The criteria at admission are:
Age >55 years
White cell count >16 x 109/L
Blood glucose >11 mmol/L
Serum AST >250 IU/L
Serum LDH >350 IU/L
If NSAIDs contraindicated, what should be given 1st line in renal colic?
IV paracetamol
Penile fracture is the traumatic rupture of …
corpus cavernosa and tunica albugineaz
Classes of drugs used for medical expulsion of renal stones
Alpha and calcium channel blockers
In penile #, if any clinical features are suggesting a co-existing urethral injury, such as voiding difficulties or blood at the meatus, what should be requested?
Retrograde urethrography should be performed
Acute prostatitis, 1st line (2)
2nd line (2)
Ciprofloxacin 500 mg twice daily or ofloxacin 200 mg twice daily first line, or if they are unsuitable trimethoprim 200 mg twice daily.
Levofloxacin 500 mg once daily, or co-trimoxazole 960 mg twice daily (when there is bacteriological evidence of sensitivity and good reasons to prefer this combination to a single antibiotic) second-line.
Most staghorn calculi are comprised of?
magnesium ammonium phosphate (struvite).
How to calculate the shock index
Which investigation is recommended first-line for haemodynamically stable patients with lower gastrointestinal bleeds that require hospital admission?
Angell’s sign
horizontal lie of the contralateral testis
a rare, inherited condition that causes the formation of kidney stones
Citrate action in urine
Prevent kidney stone formation