General Study Guide Flashcards
Mission Statement
We provide the highest quality public safety service to everyone in San Diego County
Core values
Citizen complaints
Employees shall accept and record in writing all complaints made by a citizen. Employees can attempt to resolve the complaint but never dissuade a citizen from filing. Employees shall immediately notify supervisor and send in writing to IA. IA is responsible for handling complaints
How can a complaint be handled?
An employee can handle informally or reduce it to writing. Minor complaints received 30 days after incident generally will not be investigated
What is a minor complaint?
Discourtesy or improper procedures
Types of complaints subject to investigations
On duty misconduct
Off duty criminal allegations
Off duty non criminal conduct with reasonable nexus to persons position on Dept
Internal affairs dispo codes
Not sustained
Police officer bill of rights code 3300-3311
When employee is placed on admin leave, supervisor must notify IAD via the chain of command by the following day
Discipline is defined as:
Written reprimand
Pay step reduction
Skelly Hearing
Employee has 5 days from discipline to request skelly hearing. They must have the hearing within 10 days. A waiver must be mutual
Occupational injuries
Ok injuries must be reported immediately if possible and treated at MLU approved facility
What form must an injured employee complete within 24 hours?
Employees claim for workers compensation benefits (DWC-1) and MLU-4 form
Occupational injuries- supervisor roles
Send MLU-4 by the following day. Complete supervisors accident investigation report (RM-3) and forward to MLU by following day.
Occupational injury- Form to complete if employee needs treatment
Status report for occupational injury or illness (MLU-1) to be signed by physician and employee and turned into supervisor every time they receive treatment
What is code 3 driving?
“The vehicle is being driven in response to an emergency situation or while engaged in rescue operations or is being used in the immediate pursuit of an actual or suspected violator of the law. The driver displays a steady burning red light to the front and sounds a siren as necessary so as to warn other drivers and pedestrians (21055 CVC).”
Code 3 response considerations
type of incident,
vehicle and pedestrian traffic, time of day,
road conditions
weather conditions.
Who approved code 3
Field supervisor
Or CC watch commander
Who can terminate a pursuit
Any supervisor
CC watch commander
Who can initiate code 3?
Code 3 may be initiated by the deputy, field supervisor or the C/C watch commander whenever sufficient cause in known to exist for the timely protection of life or reduction of injury.
Who has jurisdiction over sheriff invoked collisions?
Sheriff’s traffic units have primary responsibility within contract cities. In cases where another agency has jurisdiction, no parallel investigation will be conducted by a Sheriff’s traffic unit
Reasons a parallel collision investigation would happen
• The agency of jurisdiction does not respond and complete an investigation
• The employee was involved in a collision during a vehicle pursuit
• Specifically requested by the responding supervisor or station command
• The employee is involved in a collision which results in death or severe injury, to any party involved, as defined by SWITRS (Statewide Integrated Traffic Records System)
Death or serious injury shall be handled by a Reconstructionist.
Supervisor responsibility for employee collision
Conduct an on-scene investigation when possible.
Complete “Supervisors accident investigation report” (OES RM-3) and “Confidential vehicle accident report” (CD2). Collect copy of the driver’s written statement.
RM-2 and CD-2 must be forwarded to the traffic coordinator (Lieutenant Mike Cea) on the following business day.
Forward completed copy of the traffic collision report to risk management ASAP.
Determine if accident is chargeable or non-chargeable. Then forward the “Supervisors action / disposition report” through the chain of command.
Primary response to major crime scenes: P&P 6.33
Patrol deputies shall: preserve life, attempt to identify locate and apprehend the offender, separate any deputies involved in an OIS. Establish a sufficient perimeter, preserve evidence, control the crime scene, scribe all personnel entering the crime scene or handling evidence, make necessary notifications, ID victims and witnesses, remain alert for spontaneous statements and prepare official reports.
Factors to consider when initiating a vehicle pursuit
- Seriousness of the offense and its relationship to community safety.
- Safety of the public and the pursuing deputy.
- Traffic, weather and roadway conditions.
- Deputy’s familiarity with the area.
- Speed
- Time of day.
Suspects driving behavior - Capabilities and conditions of vehicles and personnel involved.
- Quality of radio communications.
- Known juvenile occupants in pursued vehicle.
Pursuits shall not be initiated when:
- The deputy is carrying a prisoner.
- While responding to an unrelated Priority 1 call.
- Carrying certain passengers such as; explorers, ride-along or citizen assists.
- Immigration is the only offense.
Pursuits will always be discontinued when:
- Approaching the international border.
- Directed to do so by a sworn supervisor.
- The danger outweighs the value of apprehension.
Pursuits may be terminated at any time by the pursuing deputy. Other factors to consider are:
- Driving on the wrong side of the roadway
- Proximity to the suspect or location is no longer known.
- The identification of the suspects is known.
- Presence of aerial support.
How many units in a pursuit?
Two. Primary and secondary Additional units may join at the approval of the pursuit supervisor. All involved units most notify the C/C immediately.
Supervisors responsibilities during a pursuit
- Upon notification of the pursuit, the field supervisor or watch commander assumes the responsibility to monitor and take appropriate action for pursuit control.
- Any sworn supervisor or manager has the authority to discontinue the pursuit when perceived safety outweighs apprehension.
- When considering adding additional units to the pursuit, the supervisor should evaluate. A. The type of vehicle being pursued, the seriousness of the offense, the danger the pursued vehicle poses to others, the availability of aerial support, type of intervention tactics considered.
- The supervisor must maintain a continual assessment of the progress the pursuit.
- Ensure allied agencies are notified of the pursuit and request assistance as needed, including aerial and K-9 support.
- Respond to the point of the pursuit’s termination in order to provide on-scene supervision, coordination and evaluation.
- Ensure the PAT-15 report is forwarded to the department traffic coordinator for mandated reporting to the CHP pursuant to 14602.1 CVC.
Filing claims against the County: P&P 6.54
Claimants should be directed to contact the clerk of the Board of Supervisors at Room 306 C.A.C.
When does a missing person report have to be taken
A missing person report must be taken regardless of jurisdiction.
Who prepared a Child Abduction Regional Emergency (CARE) alerts?
Field supervisor
Who needs to be notified for a Child Abduction Regional Emergency (CARE) alerts?
The juvenile unit supervisor should immediately be contacted and be notified prior to activation.
What needs to be included in a Child Abduction Regional Emergency (CARE) alerts
Suspected abduction, where and when the abduction took place, description of the child and abductor, description of any involved vehicles, last direction of travel, the telephone number for public response, Statement of “no action” taken other than calling police.
Criteria for issuance of a CARE alert:
- The victim is under the age of 17 or has a proven mental or physical disability.
- Non-parental or family abduction. (May apply if parent has threatened harm)
- Imminent danger, supported by articulated facts, of death or GBI
Who approves Amber alerts?
Requested by the supervisor, however they will not be requested through the CHP prior to obtaining the approval of the on-duty Commander.
The Homicide Detail shall bear primary responsibility for the follow-up investigation of the following:
- All homicides and suspicious deaths occurring within the Sheriff’s service area, Felony assault cases where the victim’s death is probable.
- Adult kidnappings when the victim is still believed to be held hostage at the time of the report.
- Shots fired at or by a Deputy Sheriff resulting in human injury.
- Missing adult cases not resolved by area detectives after ten working days.
- Deaths of persons in custody of the Sheriff, or deaths related to events which occurred while in custody of the Sheriff.
- Deputy involved use of force incidents that result in death or potential for death.
Supervisor responsibilities for Discharge of firearms during performance of duties P&P 8.2
- Upon notification, determine whether it is injury or non-injury and obtain a safety statement form the involved deputy.
- If confirmed non-injury, notify area detectives, make on-scene investigation, review reports and make determination of sufficiency of investigation regarding property damage, justification of weapon use and safety procedures. Make recommendation regarding any deficiency and submit to appropriate commander.
- All others, treat as major crime scene i.e. preserve scene separate witness etc
Who investigates other agencies shooting in our jurisdiction?
The Sheriff’s Department will investigate shootings within the sheriff’s jurisdiction by officers of other agencies (except hot pursuit cases) in the same manner as if the officers involved were members of the sheriff’s department.
OIS- In instances where the suspect is wounded or killed, the patrol /detective sergeant shall:
- Proceed to the scene and obtain a safety statement from involved deputies.
- Isolate and/or separate involved deputies from the immediate scene as soon as practical.
- Assume immediate supervision of the scene until arrival of homicide personnel.
- Confirm the Lieutenant has been notified and is enroute the scene.
- Confirm the on-duty homicide sergeant has been notified.
- Assign personnel to handle the crime report.
Request for activation of SED shall be initiated by a supervisor and will be based on the following criteria:
- Suspect was involved or is believed to have been involved in a serious criminal act.
- Suspect is believed or known to be armed.
- Suspect is believed to be a threat to the lives and safety of citizen or L.E.
- Suspect is in a position of advantage affording cover and concealment
- Suspect refuses to submit to arrest.
When must a deputy notify a supervisor of use of force
Deputies using force shall verbally notify their supervisor as soon as practical, but in no event later than the end of shift
Use of force supervisor responsibilities:
- Respond to hospital in order to investigate use of force that results in injury which necessitates medical treatment and investigate the circumstances surrounding the incident.
- Notify the facility or C/C watch commander of the findings.
- If the supervisor or watch commander deems an incident to be significant in magnitude, additional action may initiated, such as notification of supervisors via the chain of command, peer support, IA, homicide, etc.
CLERB- definition
Citizens’ Law Enforcement Review Board
Who is the liaison for CLERB?
Manager/Legal advisor for Office of the Sheriff
Who doesn’t handles CLERB procedures?
All complaints, subpoenas, correspondence, and inquiries from CLERB shall be referred to the Division of Inspectional Services command for review and handling.
Department employees shall provide all documents and information requested by the Division of Inspectional Services sergeant designated as the CLERB processor.
CIRB- definition
Critical Incident Review Board
CIRB purpose
The purpose of this board is to consult with department legal counsel when an incident occurs which may give rise to litigation. The focus of the CIRB will be to assess the department’s civil exposure as a result of a given incident.
CIRB will carefully review those incidents from multiple perspectives, including training, tactics, policies, and procedures with the ultimate goal of identifying problem areas and recommending remedial actions so that potential liability can be avoided in the future.
Members of CIRB
Voting members:
1. A Commander from Law Enforcement
2. A Commander from Court Services
3. A Commander from Detention Services
Non-voting members:
1. The Chief Legal Advisor
2. Commander from Human Resources
The Critical Incident Review Board shall convene as follows:
Preliminary Critical Incident Review Board:
Within two (2) weeks of the occurrence of a critical incident for a preliminary assessment.
Standard Critical Incident Review Board:
Within thirty (30) days of a District Attorney’s review letter involving a critical incident; and within thirty (30) days of the completion of the investigation of a critical incident.
When requested by the Sheriff, Undersheriff, Assistant Sheriff, or a board member.
The following incidents are deemed critical incidents and shall be reviewed by the CIRB:
In custody death, other than natural causes;
Use of deadly force by a department employee;
Pursuits resulting in any injury requiring hospital admittance or major property damage;
Death or serious injury resulting from action of a member of this Department;
Law Enforcement related injuries requiring hospital admittance;
Discharge of a firearm by sworn personnel;
Any other incident involving the discharge of a firearm, major property damage, or a major vehicle damage by a member of this Department or other critical incident which, in the judgment of the Sheriff, Undersheriff, Assistant Sheriff, or board member warrants review.
Industrial Accidents legal requirements
The Sheriff’s Department is required by law to notify the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) of any reported industrial accidents
Industrial accidents- PROCEDURE FOR DEPUTIES
- When a Deputy is dispatched to the scene of an industrial accident, the Deputy shall first evaluate the situation.
- If a death has occurred at the scene of the industrial accident, the Deputy will immediately notify OSHA by phone whenever possible. If no phone communication is available, notification will be made via the Communications Center. OSHA will make the decision whether or not their investigators should respond to the accident.
- The Deputy will then conduct a death investigation.
- Deputies are required to write a report only on an industrial accident when the victim has expired at the scene.
The individual responsible for all incident activities, including the development of strategies and tactics and the ordering and the release of resources. The IC has overall authority and responsibility for conducting incident operations and is responsible for the management of all incident operations at the incident site.
ICS four sections
Operations Section duties:
The Section responsible for all tactical operations at the incident. Includes Branches, Divisions and/or Groups, Task Forces, Strike Teams, Single Resources, and Staging Areas.
Planning section duties:
Responsible for the collection, evaluation, and dissemination of information related to the incident, and for the preparation and documentation of Incident Action Plans. The Section also maintains information on the current and forecasted situation, and on the status of resources assigned to the incident. Includes the Situation, Resources, Documentation, and Demobilization Units, as well as Technical Specialists.
Logistics section duties:
The Section responsible for providing facilities, services, and materials for the incident.
Finance section duties
The Section responsible for all incident costs and financial considerations. Includes the Time Unit, Procurement Unit, Compensation/Claims Unit, and Cost Unit.
AB 472
Good Samaritan law. Immunity to people for under the influence and possession charges if they call for an overdose.
1001.36 PC- Blanket Diversion Program
The trial court is empowered with the right to suspend any criminal case alleging any criminal offense and put defendant into a two year pre-trial diversion program. Available to any defendant who can provide evidence of a mental disorder.
AB 1312
Sexual assault victims rights. Have the right to have a person of same or opposite gender present during interview.
Report procedures
What are the Department’s organizations/bureaus?
Office of the Sheriff
(DSB) detentions services bureau
(LESB) law enforcement services bureau
(CSB) court services bureau
(HRB) Human Resources bureau
Management services bureau