General management and Corporate governance Flashcards
levels of management
- top level management
-middle level management
-lower level management
- top level management
board of directors
chief executives
general manager
-middle level management
production manager
purchased manager
sales manager
marketing manager
public relation manager
-lower level management
section officer
general manager consists of
admin manager
marketing manager
production manager
they all have a supervisor working under them
Individual who sees an opportunity in the market and then combines the three factors of production (capital, labour and raw materials) in order to start a new business venture
Usually operates at top management level
AKA “inside entrepreneur”
Individual that is in an already established business uses their entrepreneurial qualities to transform innovative ideas into profit within the organization
Entrepreneurial qualities and skills
Risk taker Information gatherer
Self-confidence Problem solver
Persistence Assertiveness Credibility
Concern for quality Experience Motivated
leader vs manager
A leader has the expertise to make people aware of the advantages of pursuing a certain course of action, thereby creating a desire in people to follow him/her to achieve a common goal.
A manager is appointed in a position of authority which enables him to insist on people doing as he/she instructs.
leader vs manager characteristics
=maintains system
= focuses on systems and structure
=relies on control
=accepts the status quo
= develop new methods to do things
= focuses on people
=inspires trust
=challenges the status quo
name the types of management
Advantages of a motivated workforce:
=Good customer service
=Increases productivity
=Lower absenteeism and staff turnover
=Little or no industrial action
=Boosted morale
Monetary factors to motivate employees:
=Salary increase
=Incentives e.g performance bonuses
=Fringe benefits
Non-monetary factors to motivate employees:
=Job enlargement
=Job enrichment
=Empowerment and advancement of the employee
=Flexible hours(if possible)
=Precise instructions
=Wellness programs
what are the management tasks
vison /mission
Principles of effective planning:
=Rational process aimed at the future
=Funnel approach
=Planning takes place at all levels in the business
Rational process aimed at the future
The future is anticipated in order to identify and bridge the gap between current status of the business and the projections for the future plans of the business.
Funnel approach
Due to various factors such as politics, social and technology it is important to have consistent involvement by management in the process of environmental scanning
Due to internal and external pressures its important for the business to be flexible
Planning takes place at all levels in the business
Management at top level should clearly communicate the long-term direction of the business.
importance of planning
=planning -Planning ensures attention is focused on business objectives
=effectiveness -Well though out plan will minimize risks and uncertainty
=success -Planning entails integration of the different business outcomes to ensure there is coordination to achieve overall vision
=Establishing objectives
= deciding the planning period
= consider alternatives
= implement the plan
= control process
Organizing involve identifying activities that should be undertaken in order to ensure the business objectives are achieved.
steps in the organising step
1 . consider objectives
2 identify and grouping activities
3 assigning of duties
4. delegating authority
1 . consider objectives
Management needs to make sure everybody clearly understands what the objectives are and why it is important to achieve them
2 identify and grouping activities
Clearly identifying activities assists in avoiding unnecessary duplication
Delegating authority
Required responsibility and authority is delegated to subordinates
advantages of porper organisation
- patterns of communication
- authority and responsibility
- create a proper balance
- stimulate creativity
- encourage growth.
what are the principles of leading
- harmony of objectives
-effective communication - unity of direction
-direct supervision
-follow up
Refers to checking the current performance against the predetermined standards that we were set in the planning phase to ensure there is progress in achieving the business objectives
Steps in the Controlling Process:
establish standards
measuring actual performance
corrective action
Components of a good Control Systems
=motivate stuff
=aimed at the future
=Refers to the process of exchanging information, opinion, views and ideas between staff members and management
=Communication happens from the top management down to the lower management - assists with the whats, whys and hows
=Coordinating is vital for the business to succeed, as management deals with a number of aspects within the business including, perceptions, opinions, interests and attitudes of all stakeholders
=It is essential that all aspects are coordinated to ensure that stakeholders contribute toward achieving the same objective
=Tangible and intangible resources need to be used optimally
what are the principles of coordinating resources
- clear objectives
- comprehensive policies
-induction - chain of command
- liaison between departments
=Refers to the process of allocating the responsibility and authority to subordinates
=Ensures meaningful distribution of work
=Continuous monitoring by the manager of the process is required to assess effectiveness of the designated task
=Worker discipline is guided by the Labour Relations Act
=Improves future behavior of the employee
=Disciplinary action varies, it includes, verbal warning, written warning, instant dismissal
=Code of Conduct of the business outlines misconducts and their possible disciplinary actions
Decision Making
Refers to the process to make decisions about the most appropriate course of action
External Factors that that influence decision making process
==Political e.g Laws
=Economic e.g Taxes
=Social e.g Unemployment rates
=Technological e.g =Increased use of transportation
=Threat of new entrants
=Power of Supplier
=Customer expectation
=Employees need to be motivated in order to perform certain expectations
=Employees have to feel that they a special interest in the work and that they want to fulfil this responsibility
the otivation formula
ability+ willingness= performance
global awareness
=Includes the interrelatedness of the business world and countries. (You as an organisation might be directly traded with a country, but supplies may originate from that country)
=Being totally aware of the supply chain as a whole
Organisational Awareness (Internal and external factors impact the business - a successful business needs to be aware of that
Internal factors
=Manager should understand the strengths and weaknesses of the business
=Understand all the different functions/departments of the business
=Manager should empathize with and support all business functions in the organization
=Management must understand the organisational culture of the business
Organisational Awareness (Internal and external factors impact the business - a successful business needs to be aware of that
external factors
=Demonstrate an understanding of the opportunities and threats
=Consider national and international trends that may impact the business
Strategic Thinking Leading To Strategic Action
=Ability to look at the business current position in relation to the rest of the market and to then decide where the business should be in a few months or years (Strategic planning)
=It is important that management understands that industry and market trends will affect the businesses competitive position
=Anticipation and forecast of what will happen in future is important, management can be proactive when implementing plans
=Outcomes of the situations should also be evaluated in order to implement corrective action if needed
=A good manager will be thoughtful of his team members; ensuring that members complement each other
=Team leader needs to ensure that members of the team listen to each other and find a way to work cooperatively with one another
=Team members need to understand the goals and that all team members are empowered with the necessary skills to achieve these goals
Empowerment & Talent Development
=Business invests time and resources to assist with employees development to achieve the goals and objectives of the business
=Empowered employees benefit from the process and this is conducive to better morale and motivation
Ways to empower and develop employees:
=New skills through training
=New responsibilities and authority
=Freedom to choose how to do a task; provided standards are met
=Monitoring performance and then giving constructive feedback
=Means that the manager is not waiting for other people to think of new ways to improve his/her department or the overall business
=Manager will also encourage subordinates to think of new ideas and innovations
=Proactiveness and pre-empting issues before they arise in order to create a competitive advantage
Judgement/Decision making
=Manager continuously has to make judgement calls in different situations
=Apply logical reasoning in any situation
=Employ integrity when making judgement calls/decisions ; demonstrates leadership and a willingness to acknowledge accountability
=Conveying his/her opinions in a clear and accurate manner to the employees,trade onions, suppliers etc
=A manager who is a skills negotiator will try to facilitate a win-win situation, using compromise to solve problems
=Obtaining buy in
Customer Service Orientation
=Customer needs are the primary focus area and should be considered in all business decisions
=The business needs to give the customer what he/she expects and requires from the business
=A productive customer relationship will ensure that existing customers keep coming back to buy from the business
Corporate Governance
=Defined as the set of rules and the processes that are used by Top Management to direct and control the business
=Provides a framework and control measures to look after the bottom line of the business, and consider the interests of all stakeholders
King reports
=Founded to clarify the concept of Corporate Governance and how it can be implemented in the South African context
=King I Report(1994) - recommended standards of conduct for JSE listed companies and state-owned companies regarding their responsibilities towards citizens in the societies which they function
=Triple Bottom Line reporting (Integrated Reporting) is a requirement for management.
=Management should not only focus on shareholders (profit), all stakeholders should be considered, including consequences of decisions for society (people) and the environment (planet)
King II (2002) Principles of good Corporate Governance
=Social responsibility
=Responsibility (of directors)
Responsibilities of directors:
=Act with skill and care
=Act in good faith and honesty
=Try pre-empt risks
=Ethical leadership
=Audit committees should be established
=Ensure Integrated Reporting (Triple Bottom Line Reporting)
King III Report (2009)
=Includes the responsibility of directors
=Applies to all businesses, public, private or non-profit organizations
=Directors may be held liable in case of misinterpretation
=Focusses on Apply OR Explain
=Requires JSE listed companies to report on sustainability according to the Global Reporting Initiative
=Bigger emphasis on Independent directors
=Requires an Independent Audit Committee
=The company should be a responsible Corporate Citizen
King IV (2016)
=The focus is Apply AND Explain
=Provides guidelines to help organisations to understand how they should implement the King principles
King IV (2016) 4 broad outcomes
- ethical culture
-good performance
-effective control
-trust and good reputation