General Info Flashcards
Name of current Air Chief Marshall (Chief of Air Staff/CAS)
Mike Wigston
How long has Mike Wigston been Chief of Air Staff?
Since 26th July 2019
Date the RAF was founded?
1st April 1918
What did the RAF replace?
Royal Naval Air Service and Royal Flying Corp
Number of Personnel?
33,840 Regular + 2,220 Reserve
Number of aircraft?
832 operational aircraft
RAF Motto?
Per Ardua ad Astra - Through adversity to the stars
MOD Mission?
Support the objectives of the British Ministry of Defence: “provide the capabilities needed to ensure the security and defence of the United Kingdom and overseas territories, including against terrorism; to support the Government’s foreign policy objectives particularly in promoting international peace and security”
RAF Mission statement?
To provide an agile, adaptable and capable Air Force that, person for person, is second to none, and that makes a decisive air power contribution in support of the UK Defence Mission.
Definition of Air Power?
The ability to project power from the air and space to influence the behaviour of people or the course of events
What are the three essences of Air Power?
1) Height
2) Speed
3) Reach
Four fundamental roles of air power?
1) Intelligence and Situational Awareness
2) Air Mobility
3) Attack
4) Control of the air
RAF Values?
RISE - Respect, Integrity, Service before self, Excellence.
Name all foreign bases:
1) RAF Akrotiri (Cyprus)
2) RAF Ascension Island (St Helena)
3) RAF Gibraltar (Mediterranean)
4) RAF Mount Pleasant (Falklands)
Name 5 active operations:
1) Kipion - Persian Gulf (UK naval and air presence in the Persian Gulf)
2) Newcombe -West Africa (UK support to French in Mali. - three Chinooks added in 2018)
3) Shader - Western Asia (Military intervention against ISIL)
4) Toral - Afghanistan (UK’s contribution to NATO’s Resolute Support Mission)
5) Quick Reaction Alert - Lossiemouth & Coningsby (protecting British and NATO Airspace)
The Role of the RAF? (PewPewPew)
Remember PewPewPew:
Protect the UK and its interests
Provide choice for the nation in times of crisis
Maximise the return of Public Investment