General Info Flashcards
What is meant by “land as soon as possible”?
An emergency will be declared. A landing should be accomplished at the nearest suitable airfield considering the severity of the emergency, weather conditions, field facilities, ambient lighting, aircraft gross weight, and command guidance.
What is meant by “land as soon as practical”?
Emergency conditions are less urgent and, although the mission is to be terminated, the degree of the emergency is such that an immediate landing at the nearest adequate airfield may not be necessary.
What is a “general emergency procedure”?
All reasonably expected emergencies that could occur in two or more phases of operation or affect two or more systems or subsystems
What color is the “altitude” warning/caution, and what is indicated by it?
Altitude below minimum altitude set on UFCP ALT Key Display
What color is the “gear” warning/caution, and what is indicated by it?
- Landing gear not down and locked with
a. Decelerating airspeed 210 KCAS or less
b. Altitude below 10000’
c. Both throttles below 96% rpm - Landing gear handle up and doors not down and locked.
- Landing gear handle down and gear not down and locked.
What color is the “stall” warning/caution, and what is indicated by it?
Landing gear extended and AOA at or above 0.80
What color is the “canopy” warning/caution, and what is indicated by it?
Canopy not fully closed and locked
What is indicated by the ENG ANTI-ICE ON advisory?
ENG ANTI-ICE Switch is in the MAN ON position
What is indicated by the LEFT/RIGHT FUEL PRESS cautions? (6 things)
- Low fuel pressure
- Loss of boost pump (note - reset boost pump CB only one time)
- Fuel leak
- Fuel line leak
- Generator phase failure
- Surging of engine driven pump
What is indicated by the FUEL LOW caution?
Either fuel quantity indicator reads <250 lbs for 7.5 seconds
What is indicated by the LEFT/RIGHT GENERATOR cautions?
- Designated generator offline
- Either generator can support the total aircraft electrical load
What is indicated by the FLIGHT/UTILITY HYDRAULIC cautions?
Hydraulic System
- Fluid overtemperature or
- Low pressure
What is indicated by the OXYGEN cautions?
Oxygen indicator reads 1 liter or less of LOX
Light may blink due to sloshing if system contains less than 3 liters
What is indicated by the XMFR RECT OUT cautions?
Failure of both TRUs
DC-powered systems supplied by aircraft battery
What is indicated by the AVIONICS caution?
Failure of avionics system listed on PFL
What is indicated by the BINGO caution?
Fuel below bingo bug setting
What is indicated by the CAUTION caution?
MASTER CAUTION light is lit
What is indicated by the DESCEND caution?
Beginning of the descent phase of a Divert Profile in Emegency Divert Mode
What is indicated by the ENGINE caution? (5 possible things)
- Left/right RPM exceedance
- Left/right oil pressure high or low caution
- Latched left/right EGT overtemp
- Latched left/right oil pressure high or low
- Engine sensor failure
What is indicated by the FLAPS caution?
Airspeed has approached or exceeded the allowable limit for current flap setting:
- 290 for 6 to 50% flaps
- 230 for 50 to 65% flaps
- 210 knots for flaps > 65%
What is indicated by the OVER G caution?
Aircraft G-load value exceeded 100% of Max G limit
What is indicated by the “EGI Status Messages: WAIT, DEGRADED, FULL, NO GPS, NAV, LEVEL, ATT” advisory?
Current state of EGI
What is indicated by the GEAR voice message
Landing gear is down and locked and the airspeed is greater than 240 KCAS
or the nose gear is down and locked and the airspeed is between 220 and 240 KCAS and increasing by 2 kts/sec and groundspeed is also increasing
If you get an EED hot PFL what will happen?
Affected display dims 50% if in Day mode and EED hot is displayed. If the hot condition persists, the EED display blanks 1 minute after PFL is generated. Engine data continues to be reliable
What PFL will you get if you don’t get RAIM?
What PFL will you get if you don’t get PRAIM?
What color is brake fluid?
With a brake system malfunction (fluid venting), what is one thing you might want to try on landing roll that shouldn’t be attempted in flight?
Pumping the brakes
If brake failure is encountered on landing roll, braking action may be regained by repeatedly pumping the brakes. The pedals should be released to the full up position between strokes.
Do not pump the brakes in flight as this action could introduce air into the brake system which could result in complete brake failure.
What should you do any time the aircraft departs a hard surface?
Immediately shut down both engines
With a lost or damaged canopy, it is imperative to ___. Why?
Confirm the speed brake is closed?
The combined total drag of canopy and speed brake could require AB to sustain level flight.
How much drag is generated due to a lost front canopy?
Approximately one-half the drag of a fully extended speed brake
With a loss of canopy, what airspeed does minimum drag occur at?
225 KCAS
What altitudes and airspeeds should the US16T-1 and US16T-2 provide safe escape at?
0-0 to basically any airspeed or altitude that the aircraft can fly at…
During an ejection at sea level, “medium” forces will be exerted on the body up to what airspeed?
450 KCAS (0.7 Mach)
During an ejection at sea level, “severe” forces will be exerted on the body between what airspeeds?
450 (0.7 Mach) and 600 KCAS (0.9 Mach)
During an ejection at sea level, “excessive” forces will be exerted on the body above what airspeed?
600 KCAS (0.9 Mach)
What weight of person is the ejection seat designed for without gear? With gear?
103 to 245 nude body weight
125 to 272 with flight gear
What is the optimum speed for ejection?
200-300 KCAS
Usually below ___ feet, automatic parachute deployment and aircrew/seat seperation sequence has occured unless the barometric controlled g switch has operated to delay parachute until speed and g forces are reduced
If below ____, AGL and aircrew/seat separation has not occured automatically, initiate the separation manually.
12000’ AGL
What is the recommended safe ejection altitude condition?
2000 to 4000 AGL