Engine Flashcards
Single engine flight characteristics: what direction should rudder be applied when operating single engine?
Step on the good engine
General checklist flow if a throttle is stuck/binding and altitude and airspeed permit: (2 things)
- Stuck/binding throttle - Do not move
- Throttle unaffected engine - Minimize movement
General checklist flow if both throttles are stuck and altitude and airspeed permit: (1 thing)
- Throttle - Attempt to break free
Attempt to break free only one throttle at a time. Attempt the second throttle only if the first throttle will not break free.
General checklist flow if engine is unresponsive to throttle movement and altitude and airspeed permit: (1 thing)
- Airspeed - control through configuration change and/or engine shutdown
A throttle remaining out of OFF for as little as __ seconds after a fire warning can result in sufficient fire damage to expose flexible hydraulic lines, which are susceptible to rapid heat damage
When a fire light is accompanied by a pop, bang, or thump what is usually indicated?
A serious malfunction and/or fire (consider shutting down the engine)
What should you do after placing the throttle to IDLE for a fire warning if the FIRE light goes out?
Check the bulbs. If one or both bulbs of the affected fire light does not illuminate, it indicates a possible burn-through of one or both fire sensors. In this case, shut the engine down.
What should you check after shutting down an engine for a FIRE warning?
Verify engine shutdown by checking fuel flow and RPM. If the engine cannot be shutoff with the throttle, or if RPM/FF check bad, FUEL SHUTOFF (affected engine) shall be closed
If the FIRE light goes out after placing throttle to off for fire in flight, what should you do?
Check the bulbs.
The EED fuel flow indicator on the inoperative engine may read as high as ___
60 PPH
What constitutes a confirmed fire according to the -1?
Fluctuating Fuel Flow
Excessive EGT
Vibrations (and visual indications of smoke trailing the aircraft or in the cockpit)
Erratic engine operations
Loss of flight controls
General checklist flow for RPM Exceedance (Latched RPM): (2 things)
- Throttle - Retard to maintain RPM within limits
- Land as soon as practical
General checklist flow for EGT Exceedance (Non-latched EGT): (2 things)
- Throttle - Retard to maintain EGT within limits (move the throttle around and see what happens to EGT. Document exceedance in aircraft forms)
- If engine EGT cannot be maintained at or below 665 at MIL - Land as soon as practical
General checklist flow for EGT Exceedance (Latched EGT): (2 things)
- Throttle - Retard to maintain EGT within limits
- Land as soon as practical (monitor systems for EGT exceedance throughout the remainder of the sortie)
If an EGT exceedance over ___ but not in excess of ___ is indicated without an EGT OVERTEMP CAUTION after brake release, that mission may be continued
650, 665
Engine oil pressure might be high during (warm/cool) weather operations
Initial checklist action if engine oil pressure is not within the operating limits or a sudden change of 10 psi or more occurs at any stabilized RPM
- Throttle - Adjust (maintain pressure within limits)
Additional checklist items if a latched oil pressure high or low occurs
- Return to normal flight conditions
- Land as soon as practical
Checklist items for oil system malfunction if 5-55 PSI pressure cannot be maintained or if engine seizure appears imminent
Shut down that engine
What are the indications of a sheared oil pump shaft?
Simultaneous failure of the engine RPM indications and oil pump (RPM and oil pressure indicate zero)
Can you restart an engine that was shut down for oil system malfunction?
Yes. If the operating engine requires shutdown, the engine previously shut down for oil system malfunction may be restarted.
If you restart an engine with a sheared oil pump shaft, at a minimum, what will be different about engine operations?
You will not get full operation due to the T5 system not receiving power from the tachometer generator
If you are about to shut down the right engine, what should you do?
Check crossover
If it is not good, consider slowing down and lowering 60% flaps and trimming for final approach speed
If it is good, leave the gen switch off
With a nozzle stuck closed, what might happen on landing roll? What should you do if this happens?
You might get an overtemperature on landing roll
If this happens, shut the engine down
What is a consideration for approach and landing with either stuck nozzle condition?
Consider landing with single engine procedures.
What should you do with a nozzle stuck closed (0%)? What should you do if EGT increases above acceptable limits?
Consider landing with single engine procedures.
Shut the engine down.
WIth nozzle position fluctuating greater than +-3% in flight, crosscheck ___ to avoid misinterpreting a fluctuating nozzle as a _____ .
Fuel control problem
General checklist flow for nozzle stuck closed
- Thottle - Retard to keep EGT within limits
- Land as soon as practical
General checklist flow for nozzle stuck open
- Abort the mission
- Land as soon as practical
General checklist flow for fluctuating nozzle
- Throttle - Retard until nozzle stabilizes
- Land as soon as practical
Fluctuating nozzle could possible be attributed to ___ failure.
_____ may be an indication of engine damage, even with normal engine indications displayed on EED.
Any abnormal engine noise
It is possible for the oil pressure gauge to indicate 0 PSI at airspeeds up to ____ KCAS when the motor is windmilling.
General checklist flow for engine failure / shutdown during flight
- Safe single engine airspeed - Attain
- Throttle gate - Disengage
- Throttle - OFF
- Crossfeed - As necesary
- Land as soon as possible
General checklist flow for engine failure / shutdown during flight: with less than 250 lbs in either system
- Left and right boostpumps - ON
- Crossfeed - ON
- Land as soon as possibe
General checklist flow for engine restart during flight
- Throttle gate - disengage
- Throttle - off (10s minimum)
- Below FL250
- Greater than 12% RPM (18-20 is the heart)
- Bat, Breakers, Boost Bumps - On
- Start button - press
- Throttle - Idle
For an engine restart during flight leave the throttle in idle for ___ seconds before aborting a start
General checklist flow for engine restart during flight if restart attempt fails
- Throttle (affected engine) - Off (for approximately 10s)
- Crossfeed switch - On
- Attempt another restart
The RPM may hang up during restart after combustion occurs at low airspeeds. This may be eliminated by…
increasing airspeed
If both engines fail during flight at low altitude and with sufficient airspeed, the aircraft should be zoomed (approximately ___ degree nose up attitude) to exchange airspeed for altitude
Can you attempt multiple alternate airstarts or just one? If so, how?
Wait 30 seconds for the ignition cycle to end. Retard the throttles out of the max range. Then slam them bad boys back to MAX AB
Low altitude and high airspeed compressor stall indications
Pop, bang, or buzz; rapid RPM drop or high EGT
High altitude and low airspeed compressor stall indications
Audible chug or pop, decreasing RPM and decreasing EGT
General checklist flow for a compressor stall
- Throttle idle
- Start button - press
- Increase/decrease airspeed as necesary
- EGT/RPM monitor
General checklist flow for a compressor stall if engine will not restart or recover
- Throttle gate - disengage
- Throttle - off