General ASPA Flashcards
What does A(SP)A stand for?
The Animals (scientific procedures) act
What year was the A(SP)A legislation been governed since?
What directive does A(SP)A comly with?
1986 EU directive - revised in 2010 - 2010/63/EU
What are the 3 “R”s?
What procedures are covered under A(SP)A?
Procedures that are carried out for experimental or other scientific purposes, on a protected animal, and that could cause pain, suffering distress or lasting harm
What does PSDLH stand for?
Pain, suffering, distress or lasting harm.
What animals are protected under A(SP)A?
All living vertebrates (not man), and all cephalopods (2012)
At what age do animals become protected under A(SP)A
Mammals- 2/3 through gestation/incubation
Fish/amphibians - when they can feed independently
Cephalopods- after hatching
What are the 3 types of license?
PEL- Establishment license
PPL- project licence
PIL- Individual licence
what does NACWO stand for?
named animal care and welfare officer
What does NVS stand for?
Named vetinary surgeon
What does NTCO stand for?
Named training and competence officer
What does NIO stand for?
Named information officer
When is a PIL allowed to apply a regulated procedure without the use of general/local anaesthesia (2)
- if the procedure will not cause serious injuries capable of producing severe pain
- The use of anaesthetic will be more traumatic to the animal than the procedure itself or would frustrate the purpose of the procedure
Who is told when the severity limit or AEs of a procedure in the project licence is likely/has been exceeded?
The PIL holder must tell the PPL holder.