disease and health monitoring Flashcards
What sources of infection are there which could affect the mice?
- Other animals
- People ( shoes/exposed hair and skin)
- environment
- equipment and consumables
- contaminated cell lines
What are predisposing factors for disease?
- genetic factors (strains)
- immunocompromised
- stress
environmental variances - disruption or changes to circadian or photoperiod
What is zoonosis?
disease which can be transmitted between animal and man (includes bacterial, viral and fungal organisms and parasites)
What are the 3 main types of microbiological health status?
- germ free
- Gnotobiotic
- Specified pathogen free (SPF) - common
What are germ free animal laboratories?
free of any associated life forms
What are gnotobiotic animal laboratories?
known non-pathogenic micro flora
state what mice do and dont have?
What are specified pathogen free animal laboratories?
State what pathogens the mice are free of
What are IVCs?
Individually ventilated cages
What types of screening are there?
Active (animals sacrificed)
Non sacrificial - pooled samples