General Anesthetics Flashcards
What is the suffix for inhaled anesthetics?
-ane (Except NO)
What does a LOW blood:gas ratio correlate with in terms of onset?
FAST onset (reach high arterial pressure rapidly-> equilibrate rapidly with brain)
What is 1 MAC?
The dose of anesthesia that will prevent movement (in response to incision) in 50% of subjects
How potent will an anesthetic be with a LOW MAC vol?
VERY potent (takes very little to anesthetize 50% of people)
Anesthetics + succinylcholine can cause malignant hyperthermia. What’s the antidote?
Dantroline (and stop anesthesia)
What is the MOA of Propofal and it’s useful properties as an anesthetic?
GABAa agonist
Is an anti-emetic, with rapid onset/recovery
What is the MOA of Ketamine? Adverse rxns?
NMDA (glycine) receptor antagonist
Patients eyes remain open wi/nystagmus, may cause hallucinations, and can increase systemic BP
What class of drugs is Thiopental in? Significant side effect?
Barbiturates- Cause respiratory/CV depression
What meds are commonly used preoperatively because they cause retrograde amnesia? MOA?
Benzodiazepines: Midazolam (parenteral), diazepam, lorazepam
GABAa agonists
What is the only IV anesthetic that produces profound analgesia, SNS stimulation, and bronchodilation with minimal respiratory depression?
What anesthetic is reversible by naloxone?
What anesthetic causes rapid, but incomplete anesthesia?
NO (low blood:gas ratio, high MAC)