GENERAL Flashcards
Which hormone can be used to to assess ovarian reserve prior to in vitro fertilisation treatment?
anti-mullerian hormone
Contra-indication to HRT
Active or recent arterial thromboembolic disease (e.g. angina or MI) Current or past breast cancer Any oestrogen-sensitive cancer Undiagnosed vaginal bleeding Untreated endometrial hyperplasia
How long is the female urethra?
3-4 cm
When does the bladder produce desire to void?
What is polyuria?
when over 2.8l is produced in 24 hours
What will reduce efficacy of COCP?
Which drugs are contra-indicated in breast-feeding?
tetracyclines, ciprofloxacin, chloramphenicol, sulphonamides pheobarbitone amiodarone cytotoxics eg methotrexate lithium, benzodiazepines bromocriptine aspirin
A 40 year old woman who smokes 20 cigarettes a day complains of a green nipple discharge and a non-tender lump below the nipple.
duct ectasia
70 yr old woman presents with hot tender breast with cellulitis
inflammatory breast cancer
What proportion of couples suffer from infertility?
1 in 6
LH surge occurs at what duration prior to Ovulation ?
24- 36 hours
Treat infertility due to PCOS
Clomifene citrate
Where does spermatogenesis occur in a testicle ?
seminiferous tubules
What does
a) oligoasthenospermia
b) teratoasthenospermia
a) low count and motility
b) abnormal form and low motility
Where is testosterone secreted from in a male ?
leydig cell
A woman presents with at 7 weeks gestation with heavy vaginal bleeding and abdominal pain. On examination, her cervix is slightly open with tissue visible. On ultrasound scan a fetal heart beat is seen in the uterine cavity
inevitable miscarriage as cervix open
The rectouterine pouch (of Douglas) can be drained via a needle passed through….
the posterior fornix of the vagina
most effective form of contraception?