Name the parts of the female reproductive system in the pelvic cavity
- ovaries
- uterine tubes
- uterus
- superior part of vagina
Name the parts of the female reproductive system in the perineum (ie, inferior to levator ani)
- inferior part of vagina
- perineal muscles
- Bartholin’s glands
- clitoris
- labia
What role does the parietal peritoneum have in the anatomy of the reproductive system?
the floor of the peritoneal cavity = the roof of the pelvic organs
This forms the 2 pouches: vesico-uterine and recto-uterine (pouch of Douglas)
Clinical significance of pouch of douglas
It is the most inferior part of the peritoneal cavity so excess (abnormal) fluid tends to collect there
How is the pouch of Douglas drained?
pass a needle through the posterior fornix of the vagina
What is the broad ligament of the uterus?
a double layer of peritoneum between the uterus and lateral walls + floor of pelvis
Where is the round ligament of the uterus found and how is it formed?
an embryological remnant that attaches to the lateral aspect of the uterus
What are the 3 histological layers of the body of the uterus?
- perimetrium
- myometrium
- endometrium
What are the three layers of support which hold the uterus in anatomical position?
- strong ligaments (eg uterosacral ligaments)
- endopelvic fascia
- muscles of the pelvic floor (eg. levator ani)
What is the course of the round ligament?
passes through the deep inguinal ring to attach to the superficial tissue of the female perineum
What position is the uterus most commonly in?
Anteverted (cervix tipped anteriorly) and Anteflexed (uterus tipped anteriorly)
In anteverted and anteflex position, where does the mass of the uterus lie?
over the bladder
What is the normal variant of uterine position?
Retroverted (cervix tipped posteriorly) and Retroflexed (uterus tipped posteriorly)
Which area is sampled in a smear examination?
The squamo-columnar junction
Parts of uterine tubes
Infundibulum (funnel)