Give layers of abdominal wall from external to internal (anterior)
skin superficial fascia rectus sheath rectus abdominus rectus sheath
Give layers of abdominal wall from external to internal (lateral)
skin superficial fascia external oblique internal oblique transversus abdominus transversalis fascia extraperitoneal fat parietal peritoneum
Where do the external obliques attach?
Between the lower ribs and iliac crest, pubic tubercle and linea alba
What direction do the external obliques run in?
same direction as external intercostals (hands in pockets)
Where do the internal obliques attach?
Between the lower limbs, thoracolumbar fascia, iliac crest and linea alba
What direction do the internal obliques run in?
same direction as internal intercostals
Where does the transversus abdominus attach?
Between the lower ribs, thoracolumbar fascia, iliac crest and linea alba
What direction does transversus abdominus run?
What is the linea alba?
midline blending of aponeurosis
Where does the linea alba span?
from the xiphoid process to the pubic symphysis
What do the tendinous intersections do to the rectus abdominus?
divide it into 3/4 smaller muscles to improve efficiency
What is the rectus sheath?
a combined aponeurosis of anterolateral abdominal wall muscles
Which layers does the iliolinguinal nerve run between?
internal oblique and transversus abdominus
Which muscle’s aponeurosis forms the inguinal ligament?
external oblique
Which nerves supply the anterolateral abdominal wall?
thoracoabdominal nerves (T12-L1)