General 2.1 Flashcards
What does ‘entail’ mean?
mít za následek, nést s sebou, znamenat (The job entails a lot of hard work.)
Refers to something that results from a particular action or situation.
Define ‘humdrum’.
nuda, otrava; humdrum stuff
Describes something monotonous or lacking excitement.
What is the meaning of ‘scrutinize’?
prošetřit, prozkoumat
Involves examining something closely and carefully.
What does ‘dissect’ refer to?
Typically means to cut apart for analysis, often used in scientific contexts.
What does it mean to ‘double down on’ something?
zdvojnásobit cenu/úsilí
Refers to reinforcing a commitment or effort in response to challenges.
What does ‘apt’ mean?
výstižný, trefný
Pertains to being appropriate or suitable in the context.
What does ‘apt to do’ imply?
mít sklony, být náchylný
Indicates a tendency or likelihood to behave in a certain way.
Fill in the blank: ‘For lack of a better word, it seems _______.’
Used to express a lack of more precise terminology.
What does ‘perilous’ mean?
nebezpečný, velmi riskantní
Describes a situation that is dangerous or risky.
Define ‘conundrum’.
zapeklitý problém/hádanka
Refers to a confusing or difficult problem or question.
What does ‘elusive’ refer to?
nepolapitelný, težko postižitelný
Describes something that is difficult to find, catch, or achieve.
What does ‘apprehensive’ mean?
znepokojeny, mající obavy
Indicates a feeling of anxiety or fear about something that might happen.
What is meant by ‘your rumination about it’?
Refers to deep or considered thought about a particular subject.
Define ‘titular affliction’.
Utrpení, neduh, strast, soužení (čestný, titulovaný), suffering
Refers to a condition or suffering that is named or designated as such.
What does ‘highest form of exaltation’ refer to?
chvála, vyzdvyhování
Indicates the utmost praise or glorification of someone or something.
What does ‘retaliate’ mean?
Refers to responding to an action, often in kind or revenge.
Define ‘rapport’.
(harmonický) vztah, vzájemné porozumění
Refers to a close and harmonious relationship where people understand each other.
What does ‘apprehend’ mean?
sb zadržet, zatknout, sth pochopit (knižně), sth obávat se
Can mean to seize someone or to understand something.
What is a ‘surge’?
nárust, vzedmutí
Refers to a sudden powerful forward or upward movement.
Define ‘contention’.
spor, tvrzení
Refers to a disagreement or argument.
What does it mean when someone states, ‘it is my contention’?
jsem toho názoru
Indicates a personal assertion or argument being presented.
What does ‘diversion’ mean?
odvedeni pozornosti, odklon, rozptýlení (we made a short diversion to go and look at he castle)
Refers to an activity that diverts attention from something else.
Fill in the blank: ‘The sequence is also referred to as _______.’
Refers to an ordered arrangement of items or events.
What does ‘elaborate’ mean?
komplikovaný, složitý, spletitý
Describes something that is intricate or detailed.
What does ‘to elaborate’ mean?
rozvést, rozpracovat; propracovaný
Refers to providing more detail or explanation about a subject.
Define ‘appraisal’.
Refers to the evaluation or assessment of something.
What does ‘ambiguity’ mean?
Refers to the quality of being open to more than one interpretation.
What does ‘concur’ mean?
shodnout se
Refers to agreeing on a particular point or issue.
What does ‘abduct’ mean?
unést; kidnap, hijack
Refers to taking someone away unlawfully, often by force.
What is the meaning of solicitation?
What does reconcile mean?
sladit, urovnat spory; rec oneself - smířit se
Define inferior.
horší kvality, méněcenný
Who is referred to as the incumbent?
držitel úřadu, úřadující
What does it mean to cede?
postoupit, přenechat
What is the meaning of ilk?
druh; DeepSeek and its ilk, and of that ilk (téhož druhu)
What does too risk-averse mean?
velká neochota riskovat, jít proti něčemu
What does emphatic mean?
důrazný, rozhodný (let me be emphatic about this point)
What does strangle refer to?
škrtit, potlačovat (we need regulation that fosters rather than strangles it)
What is the translation of obava?
concern, fear, trepidation
What does apprehension mean?
zlá předtucha
Define reconciliation.
usmíření, sladění
What does conform mean?
vyhovovat, odpovídat čemu (conformance costs)
What does it mean to have an affiliation with/to something?
mít úzké vztahy
What does confront mean?
Define variance.
odchylka, neshoda
What does peril refer to?
What does indifferent mean?
lhostejný, nevšímavý; nepříliš dobrý; implies lack of strong feeling
What does reinforce mean?
upevnit, posílit
What does facilitate mean?
ulehčit, usnadnit
What is the meaning of sentiment?
nálada, mínění, cítění
What does ‘vile’ mean?
Also means hnusný, děsný.
What does ‘lucid’ mean?
jasný, srozumitelný
What does ‘whim’ mean?
What does ‘vainly’ mean?
What does ‘reprehensible’ mean?
What does ‘contingent on sth’ mean?
závislý na
What does ‘ingenious’ mean?
důmyslný, důvtipný
What does ‘lehkomyslný’ mean?
What does ‘pomíjivý’ mean?
passing, fleeting, transient
What does ‘exuberance’ mean?
veselost, bujarost
What does ‘amid’ mean?
sth uprostřed čeho, mezi čím
What does ‘discretion’ mean?
zdrženlivost, rezervovanost, rozvážnost
What is the meaning of ‘Discretion is the better part of valour.’?
Moudřejší ustoupí., Opatrnosti není nikdy dost.
What does ‘delectable’ mean?
lahodný, delikátní, vynikající
What does ‘sublime’ mean?
božský, nádherný, kouzelný, úžasný
What is the phrase ‘go from the sublime to the ridiculous’?
What does ‘lopatka’ mean?
shoulder blade, scapula
What does ‘malice’ mean?
zloba, zla vůle
What does ‘esteem’ mean?
for sb úcta ke komu, sb sth vážit si
What does ‘audacity’ mean?
troufalost, drzost, odvaha
What does ‘unhinged’ mean?
vyšinutý, nepříčetný, pomatený
What does ‘discourse’ mean?
debata, rozprava, diskuze
What does ‘hinder’ mean?
sb/sth from (doing) sth překážet, bránit komu/čemu v čem
What does ‘dominion’ mean?
over sb nadvláda
What does ‘reserved’ mean?
odměřený, zdrženlivý, rezervovaný
What does ‘unreservedly’ mean?
What does ‘eminence’ mean?
proslulost, význačnost