ESL older Flashcards
to live vicariously through someone
zit pres nekoho
to lug
tahnout se s necim
to take sth. away
to deduct
to think along the same lines
myslet stejnym zpusobem
to rub one’s nose in it
vymachat v tom neci hubu
to pump for info
ziskavat z nekoho info
tu pull sth. off
to make sth. work
to pride oneself on sth
pysnit se necim
to pester
jebat nekoho za neco
tu pass
to say no to sth.
to officiate
to lead/be in charge of a ceremony
to hold up
to gloat
to brag, boast
to get the inside scoop
ziskat interni prehled
to feel blue
to feel sad
to duke it out
man to man fight
to be under the impression
mel jsem za to
to be tied up
to be busy
to bandage sth/someone up
thin, sledner, petite
small figure
only on the surface
squinty eyes
privrene oci
spring cleaning
velky uklid
single-breasted suit
suit s jednou radou knofliku
x deep
send him in/up
poslat nekoho k sobe
scraped knee
odreny koleno
satellite dish
queue for admission
stat na vstup
peck on the cheek
pusa na tvar
pointed, hooked, turned up
pear-shaped, hourglass figure
typ zenske postavy
zaplaceni jen za podivani
out of the blue
z cista jasna
once in a blue moon
jednou za uhersky rok
knickknack, junk
nepotrebne male predmety
it’s kitty-corner from the bank
na druhe strane krizovatky
it’s IT or bust
leda IT
i didn’t mean to keep you
nechtel jsem te zdrzet
hang a left
turn left
high quality
first rate
due of curiosity
kvuli zvedavosti
do-nothing, bum
lazy person
create a synergy
vytvaret spolecnou energii
contemporary music, suit
soucastna muzika
common areas
spolecne casti domu
bug bite
kousnuti hmyzem
big fan
mit velky ramena
bootleg DVD
cerny DVD
funny mistakes in movie
bee sting
vosi stipnuti
basic necessities
zakladni potreby
bargain hunter
ten co lovi vyhodne nabidky
as one goes along
over time
an item
romantic couple
publilc display of affection