Collocations 1.1 Flashcards
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aby toho nebylo málo..
and to cap it all, she….
let na velkou vzdalenst
long haul flight
live boring all the same
to be in a rut
nevím kam dřív skočit
i don’t know if I’m comming or going
spát tvrdě
be fast asleep
historická událost
historic occasion
preferuji knihu nad filmem
a book is preferable to seing a movie
máš na výběr
you have the choice of
people say it is
it is said to be
poslapat travu
beat the grass down
let na velkou vzdalenst
long haul flight
byt na rozcesti
be at a crossroad
pomátl se
he’s gone right off the rails
spát tvrdě
be fast asleep
it depends on
it is dependant on
when it comes to comp games
as far as computer games are concerned
we will run short of water
there will be a water’s shortage
i don’t think it’s likely
i think it’s unlikely
there’s a lot of things to think about
a lot of things need to be taken into consideration
get angry
loose temper
get better