General 2.0 Flashcards
What is the meaning of ‘pervading spirit of a place’?
pronikavý/všudypřítomný duch místa, genuis loci
What does ‘indulgence’ mean?
What is the translation of ‘virtue’?
What does ‘perspicacity’ refer to?
prozíravost, pronikavost
What is the meaning of ‘realm’?
sféra, oblast
What does ‘inertia’ mean?
What does ‘arbitrary’ mean?
What does ‘condem’ mean?
What is the meaning of ‘invincible’?
What does ‘solitude’ refer to?
osamělost, samota
What does ‘unsolicited’ mean?
What is the meaning of ‘retaliation’?
odplata, revange
What does ‘incentive’ mean?
What is the translation of ‘ubiquitous’?
What does ‘immolation’ refer to?
rituální obět, upálení
What is the meaning of ‘bigot’?
What does ‘curtesy’ mean?
ohleduplnost, zdvořilost, Considerate
What is the translation of ‘masculine virility’?
mužná mužnost
What does ‘masculine imperative’ refer to?
What does ‘to countenance’ mean?
tolerate, nečinně přihlížet
What does ‘stand idly by’ mean?
nečinně přihlížet
What does ‘sb swear by sth’ mean?
nedat dopustit
What is the meaning of ‘to vet, vetted’?
proverit, provereny
What does ‘impede’ mean?
What is the translation of ‘serenity’?
klid, vyrovnanost
What does ‘concieve’ mean?
What is the meaning of ‘subjugate’?
podmanit, zotročit
What does ‘tainted water’ refer to?
nakažená voda
What does ‘irrefutable’ mean?
What does ‘candid (with sb.)’ mean?
upřímný, otevřený
What does ‘astray’ mean?
away from the correct path
What is the meaning of ‘dignify’?
povysit, vyznamenat
What does ‘demure’ mean?
nesebevedome zdrzenlivy
What does ‘be mindful of sth’ mean?
myslet/dbat na neco
What is the translation of ‘temperance’?
What does ‘resilience’ refer to?
odolnost, pružnost, schopnost obnovy
What does ‘serene’ mean?
klidný, nevzrušený
What is the meaning of ‘vytrvalý’?
persistent, tenacious, persevering, tireless, unwearying, relentless
What does ‘steadfast in sth’ mean?
pevný, utvrzený (v postojích, úsilí ap.)
What does ‘subside, abate’ mean?
polevit, ustoupit
What does ‘to concieve sth’ mean?
vymyslet, zplodit | envision
What does ‘compelling’ refer to?
působivý, přesvědčivý
What does ‘perceive’ mean?
vnímat, uvědomit si
What is the meaning of ‘erudit’?
sečtělý, učený, well-read
What does ‘flattering’ mean?
What does ‘complimentary’ refer to?
lichotivý, ale i bezplatný
What does ‘steeped in’ mean?
What is the translation of ‘acumen’?
prozíravost, bystrost, perspicacity
What does ‘defer to’ mean?
podléhat někomu
What does ‘rejoice’ mean?
radovat se
What is the meaning of ‘waiver’?
zřeknutí se, vzdání se práva
What does ‘sermon’ refer to?
kázání, preaching
What does ‘foster’ mean?
sb vzít (si) do pěstounské péče, sth (vy)pěstovat, podporovat co
What does ‘diffusion’ mean?
What is the translation of ‘Blessed Sacrament’?
nejvatější svátost
What does ‘genuflect’ mean?
pokleknout (zbožně)
What does ‘holy water and sign of the cross’ signify?
This act serves as a reminder of your baptism and a sign of purification
What does ‘concise’ mean?
stručný, short, brief
What does ‘Adherence to processes’ mean?
dodržování, lpění
What does ‘For the sake of brevity’ mean?
stručnost, výstižnost
What does ‘dispatch’ mean?
vypravit, ale taky odpravit na onen svět
What does ‘tacit’ mean?
tichý, mlčenlivý
What does ‘poster child’ refer to?
an archetype of something
What does ‘pounce on digital trends’ mean?
vrhnout se na, skočit po
What is the meaning of ‘adversity’?
nepřízeň, nesnáze
What does ‘dilute’ mean?
zředit, oslabit
What does ‘grievance’ refer to?
stížnost, křivda, rozhořčení
What is the translation of ‘merit’?
přínos, význam, zásluha
What does ‘retribution’ mean?
odplata, trest
What does ‘in retaliation for sth’ mean?
jako odveta za
What does ‘intelligible’ mean?
What is the meaning of ‘paradigm’?
What does ‘reasoning’ refer to?
úvaha, dedukce
What does ‘exemption’ mean?
What does ‘rescind’ mean?
odvolat, zrušit
What does ‘reinstate’ mean?
Dosadit/uvést zpet do funkce, znovu zavést,
What does ‘repeal’ mean?
zrušit, odvolat
What is the translation of ‘provenance’?
What does ‘poised to do something’ mean?
nachystaný, připravený
What does ‘custodial’ mean?
vazební, spojený s odnětím svobody
What does ‘we stand at the cusp of a revolution’ mean?
na hraně/pokraji revoluce
What does ‘spearhead’ mean?
být v čele/na špičce čeho
What is the meaning of ‘ethos’?
What does ‘realm’ mean in context?
It’s within the realms of possibility.
What does ‘fallacy’ mean?
blud, mylná představa
What does ‘procurement’ refer to?
pořizování, nákupy
What does ‘tingle’ mean?
chvění, záchvěv
What does ‘whopping’ mean?
ohromný, obrovský
What does ‘greatly diminished’ mean?
What does ‘pun’ mean?
slovní hříčka
What does ‘resilience and confidence in the face of change’ mean?
odolnost a sebedůvěra tváří v tvář změnám
What does ‘affinity’ mean?
náklonost, podobnost, blízkost
What does ‘exemplify’ mean?
doložit příkladem
What does ‘vigilance’ mean?
bdělost, ostražitost
What does ‘stark’ mean?
drsný, neúprosný, věcný
What does ‘succumb to temptation’ mean?
podlehnout/neodolat pokušení, yield, to give in
What does ‘solidify’ mean?
What does ‘materialize’ mean?
zhmotnit, uskutečnit
What does ‘incessant’ mean?
neustálý, ustavičný
What does ‘perpetual’ mean?
neutuchající, nekončící
What does ‘enduring’ mean?