Collocations 1 Flashcards
jit na jeden z jejich vyletu
to come out on one of her trips
prvni clovek na..
the first person to set foot in a place
velka bolest hlavy
splitting, severe headache
kdyz je narvano
close-marching people, cramped, crowded, chocked
mit hadku
to have a row/fight
kdyz je nekdo v necem dobrej
skilled, proficient, accomplished
annoying, irritating, frustrating
zivotne dulezity
vital, essentil, crucial, significant
mit strach
afraid, frightened, scared
proc jdes do kariery …
why do you go in for a career
get to a higher level
to move up a gear
mit neco dano osudem
to be fated, destined
zalily se ji oci slzema
her eyes welled up with tears
dirty, bad condition
laugh in negative way
to sneer
you have my attention
I’m all ears
not enough
under-, undercooked
vzhlizim k tomu byt IT leader
I aspire to be an IT leader
vybuchnout smichy
to burst out laughing
I was fascinated
I was intrigued
both good and funny
it’s good as well as being funny
speech, talk, performance, lecture
info, details, instructions, advice
chance, opportunity
udelat na nekoho dojem
make an impression on someone
dat nekomu dojem
give someone an impression
comment, apology, suggestion
dost aby mu rozumeli
enough to make himself understoon
zvyknout si na zvuk
get attuned to a sound
udelat mnoho objevu
make a number of discoveries
filmy s vetsim oblibenim
movies with more mass appeal
ubira to na stresu
it cuts down on stress
videt velkou zmenu v pristupu
see a great change in attitude
je to rozsirene po cele budove
it’s spread around, throughout the building
zhruba, plus minus
give or take/more or less/proximately/roughly/about
-working hours
mnoho ucastniku
large number of applicants
huge, considerable
vast, extensive
hledat neco
seek sth., search for sth.
kde pratelstvi kvete
where friendship flourish
neni to uplne prekvapive
it’s not entirely/completely surprising
udelat experiment
conduct an experiment
udelat zaver
to draw a conclusion
tenky jako..
thin as a rake
toto je na me (placeni)
this is my treat
inherit sth
to come into sth
nechat si neco projit hlavou
to mull sth over
zvysit penize pro charitu
raise money for charity
absorbing, stimulating, engaging, gripping
Jobs postavil na čaj
Jobs put a kettle on for tea
to take care of/look after
to care for
have emotions for
to care about
put up with
zvrtnutej kotnik
sprained ankle
From the Beginning
From the outset
it makes me angry
it makes my blood boil
i was just kidding
i was just pulling your leg
suggest -
- ing
pay what you owe
to settle up
it’s surprising
it’s a wonder
she’s getting better
she’s on the mend
begin an argument
to pick a fight
odmitnout nabidku
reject offer
to grab sth
to take hold of sth
zazit neco na vlastni kuzi
experience from first hand
to become weaker
to flag
Plesknou sebou na palubu
To slump on a deck
byt pozadu s praci
to get behind with work
let s prestupem v bankoku
flight with stopover in Bankok
trpitive city
vibrant/glittering city
boiling, roasting, baking, sweltering
blowy, breezy
vlhko (pocasi)
humid, muggy, clammy
setrit jako prase
to scripm and save
projit awesomně zkoušky
to pass an exma with flying colours/to sail through an exam
projit zkousky s odrenyma usima
to scrape through an exam
delat zkousku
take/sit an exam
delat dobre ve zkusebnich podminkach
to perform well/badly under exam conditions
co na me nejvic zapusobilo je
what strikes me the most is
bublinkova koupel
bubble bath
prikorenit neco
spice sth up
nucler family
immediate family
Presny je lepsi
Explicit is better than implicit
vzdycky jsem chtel zkusit
i always wanted to have a go
rozhodne neni pekna
she’s anything but pretty
im experienced
im an old hand at sth
tremendous, loud, terrible, deafening
large, considerable, huge, tremendous
heavy, tremendous, terrible
valuable, tremendous, great
high, significant
pretend not to notice something
turn a blind eye to something
to leave
endless, huge
endless, wide
satisfactory, considerable
when I want to say I need sth very much
I’d be lost without it
who attends party without invitation
nakupovat v marketu
shop at a market
z plnych plic
at the top of my lungs
in moderation
within reasonable limits
chances of sth happening
household tasks
put forward (for consideration)
byt unesen necim
to be mesmerized
change direction abruptly
to swerve
oba mně řekli
they both told me
zivot jak ho zname
life as we know it
jsou tu rozdily v tom, ze on…
there are (notable) differences in that he …
neni tam nic nez …
there is nothing but (besides, except, beyond)
Rozbuší ti to srdce
It will make your heart race
Uvědomil jsem si
I came to realize
ale je taky mozny, ze
But it’s just about possible that
go on + to inf
something he did later (he went on to break the record)
in support of, for purpose of raising money for
in aid of
nic proti tomu nemam
i don’t have any abjections to them
splnuje pozadavky
it meets the needs
velke tajemstvi
close secret
cease to exit
z pohledu věřícího
from he standpoint of a believer
praxe je dulezita pro tuto praci
experience is relevant to the job
zacit se chovat nenormalne
go off the rails
vyprovodit někoho
see out
make out
emphasise (noun)
strašně jsem záviděl
i felt a pang of envy
try hard
make a much greater effort
za usvitu
at dawn
nosit v hlavě nějakou info
the info must be carried in your head
regarding to the poor quality
with regard to the poor quality
it wasn’t surprising
it came as no surprise
hned za sebou, po sobe
On the trot
in broad terms
in a hurry
pushed for time
be satisfied with
settle for
dokázali jsme..
we managed to do/ succeeded in doing
provide smb with sth
provide sth for smb
když spala
while she slept
na svete
in the world
na vlastni riziko
at one’s peril
sin x
advice, damage, equipment, fruit
tuhý maso
tough meat
rada vytahuje chyby druhých
she enjoys pointing out other’s mistakes
vyrovnany vztah
steady relationship
neklepe se mně ruka
my hand is completely steady