Gender Theory Flashcards
Varieties Revision
What is the name of Lakoff’s model?
The Deference Model
What did Lakoff say about Women’s Language?
That there are 10 features specific to it
What are the 10 features in Lakoff’s Deference Model?
Hedges, superpolitness, hypercorrectness, tag questions, speaking in italics, empty adjectives, use of implication, special lexicon, question intonation, no sense of humour
Who criticised Lakoff?
Dubois and Crouch
What did Dubois and Crouch find in their criticism?
Men use more tag questions. However, these tags are not used to try and gain support and are used instead to maintain discussion or be polite and show cooperation
The Dominance Model is a response to which model?
The Deference Model
The Dominance Model states that men deliberately behave in an uncooperative way when talking to women in order to?
undermine and dominate them.
Zimmerman and West looked at dominance through?
Turn taking
Which two irregularities in turn taking did Zimmerman and West look at?
Overlaps and Interruptions
Overlaps are very close to the?
TRP (Transactional Relevance Point)
Interruptions are seen as v _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of the turn taking process
Interruptions are not near the?
Interruptions are far more common in which gender?
Who criticised Zimmerman and West?
What did Beattie say about the size of the data sample?
It was very small
What did Beattie challenge Zimmerman and West’s interpretation of?
Who else criticised Zimmerman and West?
Eakens and Eakens
Eakens and Eakens found that _ _ _ _ _ _ as well as gender determined whether someone would get interrupted or not
Eakens and Eakens found that there was a “h _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ preference” as people of a higher status were not interrupted as much
Why are minimal responses used?
To show active participation in a conversation
Which type of minimal response did Zimmerman and West identify in their study?
Delayed Minimal Response
Delayed Minimal Reponses are when a speaker gives a minimal response at the appropriate point but only after a
Delayed minimal responses show that a listener is demonstrating a lack of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ for the conversation.
interest and enthusiasm
Fishman noted that women used the tag question ‘y’know’ how many times more than men?
5 times
Fishman claimed that tag questions such as ‘y’know’ are used as an attempt by the woman speaking to stimulate a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ from her male interlocutor.
Janet Holmes identified two types of tag questions. What are they?
Speaker-orientated and addressee-orientated
Speaker-orientated tags are used for the benefit of whom?
The speaker
Addressee-orientated tags are used for the benefit of whom?
The listener
What did Janet Holmes’s study find that is contrary to Lakoff’s claims?
That men and women use the same number of tags
What is the name of the theorist who found that women introduce more topics than men?
Victoria DeFransisco
What did DeFransisco say that women did in order to keep their conversations going?
Work harder
DeFransisco said that women are less successful at getting their conversation?
DeFransisco said that women undertake ‘C _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ S _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and adapt their conversations to help men.
‘Conversational Shitwork’
De Francisco claimed that male silence and i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is used to control conversation.
Helena Leet-Pelligrini discovered that gender and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ are both good predictors of conversation dominance.
Leet-Pelligrini said that male experts are the _ _ _ _ verbose
Leet-Pelligrini said that female non-experts are the _ _ _ _ _ verbose
The Difference Model states that men and women use language for different?
Tannen said that men and women’s language is different because of differences in upbringing and social _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
According to Tannen, women’s conversation is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ talk and is used to establish and maintain relationships.
According to Tannen, men’s conversation is _ _ _ _ _ _ talk and is predominantly used to give information.
In The Different Model women are seen to be conditioned or socialised into seeing talk as ‘the _ _ _ _ that holds relationships together’.
What is the binary opposite of the following: Status v _________
What is the binary opposite of the following: Independence v _________
What is the binary opposite of the following: advice v __________
What is the binary opposite of the following: information v __________
What is the binary opposite of the following: orders v __________
Tannen identified two kinds of Turn Violations. Name them.
Uncooperative Overlaps and Cooperative Overlaps
Tannen states that Co-operative overlaps are a sign of “ H _ _ _ I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ speakers.”
high involvement
Anna Bodine claimed that language is ‘A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ‘
Anne Bodine said that language favours which gender?
Anne Bodine said that in speech, women are judged by?
Male standards
Deborah Jones claims that women’s talk falls into one of four categories. Name the four categories
House Talk Chatting Bitching Scandal
What is the name of Jane Pilkington’s study?
The Bakery Study
What did Jane Pilkington study in a bakery for 9 months?
same-sex conversations
Pilkington found that women use talk to affirm what?
How often do women agree with each other in Pilkington’s study?
Pilkington found that men find long pauses _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Carmen Fought said that girls and young women popularise vocal trends and slang, and use embellishments in _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ways.
Carmen Fought said that “If women do something like uptalk or vocal fry, it’s immediately interpreted as insecure, emotional or even stupid. The truth is this: Young women take linguistic features and use them as _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ for building relationships.”
power tools
Koenraad Kuiper found that in all-male talk amongst members of a rugby team, men were likely to pay less attention to the need to save face and instead use i _ _ _ _ _ _ as a way of expressing s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
insults solidarity
In Kuiper’s Changing Room Study, what happened to those who showed that they were angered or hurt by the insults?
They were ostracised by the group
The Diversity Model opposes ideas of “biological d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ “
According to the Diversity Model, what is language influenced by?
The roles we play in society and the way we interact socially with others.
What is the name of Janet Hyde’s Hypothesis?
Gender Similarities Hypothesis
What does Janet Hyde claim in her hypothesis?
That there are far more similarities between female and male speech than differences.
What did O’Barr and Atkins discover in their Courtroom Study?
that the differences that Lakoff identified are not necessarily the result of being a woman, but of being powerless.
What is the name of O’Barr and Atkins’s Study?
The Courtroom Study
O’Barr and Atkins discovered that the differences that Lakoff identified are not necessarily the result of being a woman, but are a result of being _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
O’Barr and Atkins suggested that the features described by Lakoff as ‘Women’s Language’ should be re-named to?
Powerless Language
Deborah Cameron argues that sex difference in language is a _ _ _
Cameron argues that women speak more because _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ means more to women
Cameron argues that men use language competitively to gain
Cameron argues that men and women talk so differently that m _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ often arises between the sexes
Cameron argues that language is a p _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Cameron used the phrase v _ _ _ _ _ h _ _ _ _ _ _ to refer to the ways in which people regulate their language and communication to conform to social expectations and norms.
‘verbal hygiene’
Butler say that gender is not linked to biology. Instead, it is a series of r _ _ _ _ _ a _ _ _ that imitate expected gender roles and norms that we repeat constantly.
Ritual Acts
Butler believes that _ _ _ _ _ _ is constructed through language, not the other way round
Butler claims that _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ performances expose the performative nature of femininity
Drag Queen
In drag, men perform the gender norms we expect of women. They show that behaviour that seems natural and linked to biology is, in fact a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ determined performance.
In imitating gender, drag reveals the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ structure of gender itself.
Baxter researched the relationship between language, gender and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in the workplace.
Baxter claimed that women are as capable as men of being powerful and can also use language to maintain _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Cameron believes that any noticeable language differences in gender are because of the e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ placed on us by society and not because of biological.