Gender - Internal Factors (Differences in Achievement) Flashcards
Equal opportunities policies
- Policy makers more aware of gender issues and avoid gender stereotyping
- Girls and boys entitled to same opportunities is not part of main stream & influences educational policies
- GIST (Girls in Science & Technology)
- WISE (Girls in Science & Engineering)
- > help to encourage girls purse careers in non traditional areas.
Positive role models
- More female teachers and head women in senior positions -> role models for girls challenging traditional aspects -> women can achieve important positions
- Women teachers likely to be important role model because becoming a teacher is a length process and requires individual to be successful in education.
GCSE and Coursework - Achievement
- Gorard claims changes in the way pupils are assessed is favouring towards girls but disadvantage boys as gender gap achievement was fairly constant until gap increased sharply in 1989 where GCSE’s were introduced.
- GCSE benefit girls due to better developed language skills due to early gender role socialisation
- Elwood- Exams have more influence than coursework thus unlikely to be sole cause of gender gap
Teacher attention
-The way teacher interacts with boys and girls differs
-French (S) found boys received more attention and showed more disapproval’s.
-Swan found boys dominate class discussion whereas girls prefer pair work -> better at cooperating and listening. -> boys more interruptive
= Teachers respond more positively to girls than to boys
{} Links to SFP as teachers raise girls self esteem and lower boys
Challenging stereotypes in curriculum
- Removal of gender stereotypes from learning resources -> removed barrier to girls achievement
- Weiner (S) sexist images or traditional images such as housewives and mothers being removed has raised girls achievement with more positive images of what women can do
Selection and league tables
Marketisation policies = more competitive environment -> schools see girls as desirable recruits as they achieve better exam results.
-Jackson notes introduction of exam league tables have improved opportunities for girls -> creates SFP as girls likely to be recruited by schools and likely to do well
= Boys seen as liability students for leagues table scores due to behaviour and exam results.