Ethnicity - Cultural Deprivation Flashcards
Cultural deprivation - Intellectual & linguistic skills
- Children from low income black families lack intellectual stimulation and educational experiences -> lacking abstract and social skills needed for educational achievement.
- Gillborn & Mirza (S) Indian pupils succeed despite having English as second language.
Cultural deprivation - Attitudes & Values
- Some minority ethnic groups have children lacking ambition and competitiveness + willingness.
- CD theorists say some black children socialised into fatalistic attitudes (living for the present) -> not valuing or taking education seriously -> unequipped for success.
Cultural deprivation - Family structure & parental support
- Moynihan(S) -black families headed by lone mother -> children deprived of male achievement as role model -> children fail -> become inadequate parents -> cycle repeats.
- Sewell(S) disagrees ^ - claims lack of fatherly nurturing or ‘tough love’ -> find it hard to overcome behavioural difficulties. ***Black minority have lower expectations and worse attitudes whilst Asian minority have high expectations ^ aspirations and positive attitudes in education.
Cultural deprivation- Family structure & parental support (continued)
Sewell-Asian pupils benefit from supportive families that have ‘Asian work ethic’ and place a high value on education.
-White WC families have low level of aspiration and achievement - teachers found poorer behaviour in white WC schools -> Teachers blamed this on lower levels of parental support and attitudes in education.
Cultural deprivation - criticisms of cultural deprivation theory
Driver(S)- claims CD ignores positive effects of ethnicity on achievement (Black Caribbean family provides girls with positive role model -> girls tend to do better in education than boys.
Lawrence(S)- Black pupils underachieve due to racism not because of low self esteem.
Keddie(S)-Ethnic minority culturally different not culturally deprived. Schools favour white culture (ethnocentric)
Cultural deprivation - Criticisms of cultural deprivation theory (cont)
Critics oppose compensatory education -> it imposes dominant white culture on children -> propose two main alternatives
- multicultural education:policy that includes minority cultures in curriculum
- anti-racist education:policy that challenges the prejudice and discrimination existing in school and wider society.