Gender - Boys and Achievement Flashcards
Boys and Literacy
Gender gap result of boys poor literacy and language skills.
- Parents spend less time reading with their sons
- Boys leisure pursuits e.g football & computer games do little to improve communication skills while girls have a ‘bedroom culture ‘.
Decline of men’s jobs
Decline in heavy industries since 1980 & less masculine employment led to identity crisis for WC with no chance of ‘proper job’
- undermines motivation and self esteem -> give up on getting qualifications
- however manual WC jobs require few qualifications thus unlikely that the decline demotivates boys to obtain qualifications.
Feminisation of education
Sewell - schools now feminine institutions & does not nurture masculine identities such as competitiveness and leadership.
-sees coursework as major cause of gender differences in achievement as boys do better in final exams but girls do better in coursework.
Shortage of male primary school teachers
Lack of strong positive role model
- 16% of primary school teachers are male
- 42% of boys said that male teachers make them work hard and better.
Laddish subcultures
Epstein (S) examined the ways WC masculinity is constructed in schools. She found that WC boys who worked at school were labelled and subject to homophobic comments
-School work considered inferior and feminine -> losing masculinity (tough and manual work)