gender androgyny & the BSRI Flashcards
what does androgyny refer to in psychology
personality type that has a balance of feminie and masculine traits, attitudes or behaviours.
give example of an androgynous man or women
agressiva competivite at work but caring and sensitive parent.
is androgyny a good thing?
argues that high androgy is associated w psychological well being. better equipped to adopt a range of situations or tasks.
is a very masculine women androgynous
no, over-repesentation of opposite sex characteristics doesn’t = androgeny must exhibited a balance of both traits.
who devised a way to measure androgyny and what is it called
The Bem sex role inventory (BSRI)
Bem 1974
what did Bems scale include
Bees scale represents 20 characteristics that would commonly identified as masculine (competition n aggression) and 20 female (tender, gentle) and a further 20 neutral
what do respondents do for the BSRI
required to rate themselves on a 7point scale (1 never 7 always true).
what’s the scores to classifications BSRI
bias of 2 dimensions - masculinity-femininity and androgynous-undifferentiated
high masculine, low fem = masculine
high fem, low masc = feminine
high mass, high fem = Androgynous
low fem, low masc = undifferentiated
give some masculine traits on the BSRI
acts as leader
defends owns beliefs
strong personality
give some fem traits on the BSRI
loves children
soft spoken
give some neutral traits on the BSRI
evulation points of the BSRI and Androgny
scale appears to be valid and reliable
association between androgyny and psychological well-being
oversimplifies complex concept
measuring gender identity using questionnaires
how is the BSRI valid
developed by asking 50 males and 50 females to rate 200 traits in terms of how desirable they were for men and women.
traits that scored the highest became the 20 mass and 20 fem on the BSRI.
the BSRI then piloted w over 1000 students and results broadly corresponded w the participants own description of their gender identity.
suggests- degree of validity.
how was the BSRI reliable
follow up study involving smaller sample of the same students revealed similar scores when students were tested a month later.
so high test-retest reliability
association of androgyny snd psychological well being and the problem with this
within Bem’s research placed great emphasis on idea that androgynous individuals were more psychologically healthy, can adapt to most situations.
this assumption been challenged.
ppl who displayed greater masculine traits better adjusted as these r more highly valued on western society. (Adams n Sherer 1985).
this suggests-bems research may not have taken adequate account go the social and cultural context which it ws developed.
oversimplifies a complex concept
suggested gender identity r too complex to be reduced to a single score.
alternatives to BSRI have been developed - Personal Attribute Questionnaire (PAQ) replaced Bems masculinity feminity to instrumental n expressivity.
however like BSRI the PAQ still based on the idea that gender identity can be quantified.
whats a alternative to the BSRI
Personal Attribute Questionnaire (PAQ) replaced Bems masculinity feminity to instrumental n expressivity.
what did GOLOMBOX and FIVUSH say abt the complexity of gender identities
claimed that gender identity is much more global concept than is suggested on these scales.
in order to understand gender identity more fully the broader issue sold be considered, like persons interests and perception of their own abilities
measuring gender identities using questionnaires
relies on understanding of their personality and beh that they may not have.
gender is a hypothetical construct which is much more open to interpretation then sex = biological fact.
& questionnaire scoring sytem is subjective n pols interpretation of the meanings each end of the 7 point scale may differ.