Gen Ortho Term, Reax of MSK to disorder Flashcards
Orthoped Patho Goal
Prev. + corr of disorders of MSK sys + assoc str
Bone patho examples
Frac, inflam dis, gen+disem disor, neoplasm, epip discord, congen abn
Jt+soft tis patho ex
Deg, inflam disor, trauma, neoplasm
Muscle path ex
Motor unit, Mm. injury, dystrophy, neoplasm
Bone funct (nm. SPPHT)
Support (attch pt) of soft tis, Prot org., movement, Ca/P tank,
Hemopoesis, triglyceride in adipose (yellow marrow)
Bone c. type
Osteoprogenitor -> diff into below types
Osteoblasts -> bone-building matrix (collagen)
Osteocytes -> mature bone c.
Osteoclast (WBC lineage) -> remodel + resorp bone ECM (extra cell matrix), cause bone to rel Ca.
Volksmann canal
Nutrient foramen
Periosteal a.+ v., through diaphysis
Nutrient a.+v., center of diaph
4 scenarios of osteogen (bone form)
Embro + fetal dev
Growth before adult
Fracture healing
Ossification 2 Forms
Intramembranous: CT mem replaced by flat bone (e.g. skull)
Osteoblast - ECM, mesenchyme (stem c.) surrounding
Ca salts depo around osteocytes in lacuna, ECM Ca’s
ECM dev. Trabeculae -> fuse into spongy bone
Periosteum - esenchyme @ periphery dev. Into periostem.
Endochondral: cartilage repl w/ bone in dev. Embryo
Mesemchyme dev into chondroblasts to form cartilage model
Model growth via chondryocte c. div
Prim ossification centre - bone repl. cartilage
Medullary cav. Dev via osteoclast resorp
2ndry ossification centre @ epiphysis
Artic. Cartil. + epiphyseal plate -> hyaline cartilage
Bone growth/form
Periosteum ridges - groove for priosteal b.v.
Ridges fuse = endosteum-lined tunnel (Volksmann canal)
Osteoblast in endosteum -> new concentric lamellae inwards to tunnel
Osteoblast in periosteum build circumferential lamellae
Bone react
Alt’d deposit: ^| osteopetrosis (def resorb-?), acromegaly (excessive intramem oss from periosteum)
v| osteoporosis (v| osteoblastic activity, ^| resorp), rickets/osteomalacia (hypocalc, vit D def),
reabsorb, combo of alt depos + reabsorb (osteolytic neoplm
Epiphyseal plate
^| growth: Generalized {Arachnodactyly, pituitary gigantism (gwth hmr)
Local { chronic inflamm
v| growth: Generalized {Achondroplasia=dwarfism, rickets, staphyloccocus
Local {disuse retardation, trauma or ischemia to plate
Torsional (growth twists)
6 Factors det ROM
Struct + shape of artc surf: complementary?
Str + tension of ligaments: position of jt
Arrg + tension of muscle: hamstr |v ext of leg when thigh flx’d
Contact of soft part
Hormns: Relaxin - ligamt + fibroct
Arti Cartl Reax
Destruction: Ex Irreparable lesion - RA (pannus), ankylosing spondylitis
Infections (staph, TBC), prolonged immobil, cont compress, intra-artic injec of corti
Degen: Prem aging (wear and tear), Prev destr -> degen of remaining cart, irregular artic surfc
Peripheral prolif: After degen of central jt area, peripheral tissue prolif ossifying “ring”
Syn Mem Reax
Excs flu pdn (eff): serous, inflam, hemmorrhagic
Adhesions - prolog’d lim mvm