Gen Handling FCI Flashcards
What are the power settings for a 45° AOB turn?
23 24
What are the power settings for a 60° AOB turn?
Full power 25
What are the power settings for a collision avoidance turn?
24 24
What is the process for a steep descending turn?
- Carby hot
- Power 15”, hold, idle
- Below 140kts, gear down
- Roll over 45°
- Maintain 90kts
What is the process for a limit turn?
Limit turns are done at an AoB that maintains level flight with the stall horn sounding at a given power and aircraft configurations.
What is the process for a minimum radius turn?
- Undercarriage down
- Select flap 10°
- 2500RPM
- 21/22” MAP
- Trim for level flight
- Apply full power and roll into 60° AOB
- Maintain altitude, AoB and airspeed
- Reduce power to 21/22” MAP as rolling out.
What is the process for a limit turn?
What is Vx speed and power settings?
Full power 27
What is Vy speed and power settings?
Full Power 27
What is the best glide speed?
What is the forced landing process?
- Set 70kts
- Select Paddock
- Select 1000ft point and plan approach backwards
- Mayday Call
- Passenger Brief
- Shutdown Checks
What is the passenger brief for a forced landing?
- Reassure passengers
- Seatbelts Tight
- Loose/sharp objects removed
- Brace position
- Doors ajar
- Evacuate to the rear of the plane
What are the shutdown checks?
Fuel - Off
Mixture - Idle Cutoff
Magnetos - Off
Master - Off (Once flaps lowered)
Doors - Ajar
What is the process from the 1000ft point?
- Be ESTABLISHED on base at 1000ft
- Check inside wedge - aim point 1/3 into field
- Max 20° flap on base
- If high, use flap and move out (not too far)
- If low, move in - head to field and delay flap
- No steep turns
- Once on final and 100% sure you’ll make aim point, flap 30° and bring aim point towards fence
What is the phase one check for engine failure during take-off roll?
Throttle - Idle
Brakes - Apply
What is the phase one check for engine failure immediately after take-off?
Lower nose
Landing area within 30° AoB
Gear Down
Flap as required
What is the phase one check for engine failure during flight?
Airspeed - 75kts
Fuel Selector - Both
Caby - Hot
If restart has not occured:
Mixture: Rich
Auxillary Fuel Pump: On (if pressure below 0.5 PSI)
Ignition Switch: Both (Start if prop stopped)
What are the phase one checks if the landing gear fails to retract?
Gear Lever: Recycle
Master: On
What is the process if the landing gear fails to extend?
Phase 1:
- Gear Pump Circuit Breakers: Check/Reset
- Master: On
- Gear Lever: Recyle
Phase 2:
- Gear Lever down
- Pop circuit breaker
- Extend manual gear lever
- Pump until firm and green light
What are the phase one checks if there is engine fire during start?
Ignition: Start/Continue Cranking
What are the phase one checks if there is an engine fire and the engine fails to start?
Throttle: Full Open
Mixture: Idle Cutoff
Cranking: Continue
Fuel Shutoff Valve: Off
Auxiliary Fuel Pump: Off
What are the phase one checks if there is engine fire during flight?
Fuel Shutoff Valve: Off
Mixture: Idle Cutoff
Auxiliary Fuel Pump: Off
Master: Off
What are the phase one checks if there is electrical fire during flight?
Master: Off
Vents, Cabin Heat and Air: Closed
Fire Extinguisher: Activate
What are the phase one checks if there is cabin fire?
Master: Off
Vents, Cabin Heat and Air: Closed
Fire Extinguisher: Activate
After fire extinguished, ventilate the cabin.
What are the phase one checks if there is a wing fire?
Landing/Taxi Lights: Off
Navigation Lights: Off
Strobes: Off
Pitot Heat: Off
What do you do if the ammeter shows excessive charge?
- Alternator - Off
- Non-essential Electrical Equipment
- Land as soon as practicable
What do you do if the low voltage light illuminates?
- Avionics master - off
- Alternator Breaker - Check in
- Master switch - cycle
- Low voltage light - check off
- Avionics master - on
If light illuminates again - Alternator - off
- Non-essential electrical equipment - off
- Land - As soon as practicable
What is the process for a clean stall?
- Reference height and heading
- Carby hot
- Power 15”-hold-idle
- Maintain height and heading
- Stall horn - carby cold
- Stall recovery
What should be included in a take-off safety brief?
- If engine fails on TO roll, power idle and apply brakes
- If engine fails after TO, nose down, find an area within 30°, gear down, flap as required
What should be in the passenger brief?
- Smoking
- Use and adjustments of seatbelts
- Location and operation of emergency exits
- Use of oxygen (where applicable)
- Use of flotation devices (where applicable)
- Stowage of hand luggage
- Presence on board of any survival equipment (first aid, extinguishers etc)
- Non-manipulation of controls