Gen Anat 2 Flashcards
restWhich is the muscle innervated by fibers arising from C1 ventral rami?
A fx of the shaft of a long bone would be a break in the?
The peroneus (fibularis) brevis muscle inserts on which bone?
5th metatarsal
The sustantaculum tali is on which bone?
The calcaneous
Which of the following is an example of a synchondrosis?
Growth plate
Which ligament is the main restraint to valgus stress in the elbow when elbow is in ext
Ulnar Collateral Lig
Which bone is immediately distal to the lunate bone in the wrist?
What is the primary action of the triceps surae muscles?
Plantar flexion of the foot
The muscle that adducts the thumb is supplied by the ____ nerve
All of the following are characteristics of the skeletal muscle tissue fibers except:
The transverse facial vein and the superficial temporal vein drain into which vein?
External jugular
Which structure prevents mitral valve prolapse?
Papillary muscles
Which artery is NOT a branch off of the inferior mesenteric artery?
Right colic artery
Which artery is the main contributor to the deep palmar arch?
What cells secrete intrinsic factor
Parietal cells
Which laryngeal muscle is innervated by the external laryngeal branch of the vagus nerver?
The groove for the azygous vein is located?
On the medial surface of the right lung
Which structure is at the base of the renal pyraid?
Renal papilla
The seminal vesicle is located?
Post to the urinary bladder
Which hormone stimulates the production of bone and decreases blood calcium?